A few bugfixes this time. Enjoy the rc2 release.
Test it and find all the bugs, please!
My experiences with RC2 and Fedora Core 2:
Started fine besides the message "Conversion error: invalid literal for int():" which still appeared in the console after startup.
"Match list" is now working, great! How should I interpret the ranking numbers of teams? What is a good total rating for a team / player, what is average and what is bad? Is the rating the evaluation of player's game performance in that particular game, or is it his average value as a player (how does it compare to the "best position" value in the Player list)?
I have not found any bugs and I am very pleased with Mattricks, thanks for pvoviding it for us!
Cheers, Peter
On tor, 2004-10-14 at 01:08, Peter Peltonen wrote:
That's due to that we are in midseason and the league table might be a little screwed up.
The "total rating" for a game is just a sum of all the star-ratings of your players in a particular match. What is a good value depends on how up in the divisions you are of course. My team that just went up to division 5 has had 31.5* as best (I think). The "total rating" for a match is of course different from the "total value" in an upcoming match, which is an evaluation (done by Mattricks) based on the basic skills of the players participating, his form etc. The "best position" value for a player is the position (and the value) that Mattricks thinks is best for a particular player, based on his skills.
You're welcome.