Hi, I just downloaded Mattricks. And intalled the software needed to it, python, wpython and pyxml I am in a MAC and i´m running under PAnther I have no Idea how to run the program. I´ve tried to open many of the files, including mattricks.py But I don´t understand what I should really do to run it. I am sorry but I´m not a programmer (evidently), so I don´t know what to do to run the program Please help me. If instruction are given, please send them to me as If I was a 5 year old kid. In this kind of Stuff I am:). Thanks for your help and quick answer. Cheers MG
Felipe: I have not installed it on a Mac, but I would believe that there are decent installation instrucations for at least python and wxPython. pyXML should be installaed in the python/site-packages directory I belive, but I think that at least the Windows version took care of that by itself.
Matias: Do you get any errors? To run Mattricks you would type : python mattricks.py
Please also check:
Note that you should try and use wxPython for now as the 2.5.* are still not supported.
I'll try to get hold of an OS-X-machine at some stage to try and see if I can actually learn how to do it and create an installable bundle. So for we've had reports of people being able to run it and it should be possible.