I'm trying out Mattricks. I'm a linux user and this is the best (only?) linux hattrick helper program I've found. Or rather it looks like the best one. I can start it but it hangs on "fetching data"...
I've looked around the homepage but can't find any help.
I'm using Gentoo with wxPython and Python 2.3.3.
Can you offer any help please?
On Fri, 30 Apr 2004 agnar1@theodegards.com wrote:
It's not the _only_ one. HO! ( http://www.hattrickorganizer.de/ ) is written in Java and runs just fine on my Linux box.
I am not going to compare the two, though. :)
P.S. I hope Ragnar doesn't mind my advertising a potential competitor to Mattricks on this list. :)
I'd like to help out but I'm no coder. Is there anyway else I can help? Do you want feature suggestions? Bug reports? Cosmetic suggestions?
On Sun, 2 May 2004, Agnar Ødegård wrote:
I'd like to help out but I'm no coder. Is there anyway else I can help? Do you want feature suggestions? Bug reports? Cosmetic suggestions?
All those thing are wanted and appreciated. Another thing is to translate Mattricks and/or the webpages to your native languague (Norwegian? Danish?).
The development cycle is a bit random, though. So do not get depreciated if you do not receive response right away. Lately, there has not been much activity for at least a month or so, just to change to three major check-ins a day for a week at other times (hopefully...).