On Thu, Sep 16, 2004 at 04:11:08PM +0200, Oscar Gustafsson wrote:
(fenio@domek)~/cvs/Mattricks$LANG=C ./mattricks.py Unable to import the Mattricks package.
cannot import name saxlib
It seems like there may be some problems with your paths (I'm not very good on this side of Python). However, if you've got pyXML that should be enough.
Well that was quite weird. I couldn't launch Mattricks this way:
Then I tried `python mattricks.py` and it works. Then I tried `python < mattricks.py` and it works too.
Then I tried `./mattricks.py` and.... it works ;)
I have no idea what was wrong, but it doesn't matter now ;)
Thanks for the updated translation by the way!
Ok. So I have some additional questions about translations. I haven't used new MatchViewer with events yet, so I don't know what's the meaning (or rather usage) of events.
I'll be thankful for clarification of the following strings:
#: Mattricks/MatchViewerPage.py:651 msgid "Underestimation"
#: Mattricks/MatchViewerPage.py:657 msgid "Tactical briefing"
#: Mattricks/MatchViewerPage.py:754 msgid "Powerful weather win"
I don't know what the following means either:
#: Mattricks/Config.py:109 msgid "Copy current match-id to add match control"
Any hints? ;)
regards fEnIo