On Mon, Dec 15, 2003 at 11:29:06AM +0100, Ragnar Ouchterlony wrote:
Looks good, except that I don't know a word of Polish (I once knew the word for beer after a visit to Poland 7 years ago :)).
I can remind it for you: "piwo" (or maybe someone told you "browar") At least you've knew the more important word ;)
Ah, yes, "piwo" it is. :)
How has Polish piwo tasted you? Was it good? ;)
My email is: fenio@o2.pl, and preferred account name is: fenio
Ok, I have now set up your account. Hopefully you should receive an email with the password and the cvs instructions.
Your account name is "_cvs_fenio"
Works perfectly. I've checked it few minutes ago. Now I only have to set up my procmail to direct info about CVS commits to proper mailbox ;)
I have also checked in the Polish translation into the tree. Perhaps we should put the catalog file (pl/LC_MESSAGES/mattrick.mo) onto the homepage.
Hmm... I think that information about Polish translation will be enough. I mean info that with next release Polish language will be included. If you want you can of course put links to Polish version too ;)
regards fEnIo