Ragnar Ouchterlony wrote:
On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, bart van der hall wrote:
Ragnar Ouchterlony wrote:
On Sun, 28 Dec 2003, bart van der hall wrote:
I have this small problem when I look at the value of players, and everything with handles value's or numbers, it has an extra 0 in it. if its my linux box fault, how can I fix this??
How does it look in the hrf file?
de HRF file already gives the extra 0
Then it is not very much we can do here. We use the data in the hrf file and we can't assume that that data is wrong.
I have no idea how you can fix this. Ask at some HT-conference about it.
Internally, all money is in Swedish kroner. So that's what the HRF contains as well. 10 Kroner = 1 Euro in Hattrick.
The Mattrick developers are Swedes who probably don't realize this is a problem.
this is what they say. maybe a thing todo for in the program?? that you can switch between swedish Kroner and euro??