On Wed, 6 Oct 2004, The Clam wrote:
I get the same error as Stephan Damen reported on Tue. the 05th of Oct. The error ocurres while running Mattricks for the first time and the program tries to downoad the transferlist xml-files. It seems to be looping. The program keeps downloading the transferlist.xml. I'm running SUSE 9.1
I'm also running Suse 9.1, but I have not seen this problem. It seems unlikely that our python-code can cause a segmentation fault unless there is a bug in python. A possible reason could be the bsddb-database, but it is indeed strange. Do you get a core file?
Another reason could off course be related to character coding. Try to set LANG to C and see if it still happens.
Regarding the transfer-XML:s one is downloaded for each player so it will be 20 or so downloads.
I just tried a new install on my Suse and it started without any problems. Well, I did get those conversion errors (which I havn't seen before), but apart from that there were no problems. Strange.