On Mon, 12 Jan 2004, Kent Karlsson wrote:
Hmm, I think it would be a interesting test to have the linux and MacOSX version side by side and check how they compare. =)
It would, I don't have a Mac to try on, so I can't do that. You can install linux on a Mac too. :-)
In the Lineup Selection, am I supposed to be able to change the lineup myself, or is it only to view the computer generated lineup?
It's only to get a computer generated lineup.
Also, is there some easy way to change the formation?
No, not yet. You're not the first one to ask. I *will* do this before next version. I keep getting the wrong formation too. It's unfortunately not good enough when selecting the formation itself (for now at least).
Yeah, and computer is spelled wrong on the button.
That one I fixed at once.