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<!-- First Row - Green BG Starts --> Claim your Shadow Hawk Flashlight!VIEW ONLINE http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg6472qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7sGezTX9rHr-IxvGrbJ6rwySKMKEJk/NBCT2bxiNEVzydH6aFuZpNs5RWSYZzXn4SWVXXGI7Z-p4Ky2B0n7sK93tHGGX6qU8SXYp1wmo9T5bKK1RtBqD-olmkE6LckgvvCjylXgVZpvI2l36fERWuR_I_Fq9t2AXCz_-dXQUsTQDcKu-n9ouA <!--
16 hours ago
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<!-- Header image starts --> http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg6472qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7sGezTX9rHr-IxvGrbJ6rwySKMKEJk/NBCT2bxiNEVzydH6aFuZpNs5RWSYZzXn4SWVXXGI7Z-p4Ky2B0n7sK93tHGGX6qU8SXYp1wmo9T5bKK1RtBqD-olmkE6LckgvvCjylXgVZpvI2l36fERWuR_I_Fq9t2AXCz_-dXQUsTQDcKu-n9ouA<!-- Header Image Ends --><!-- Header Copy Starts -->
Why This Flashlight Will Save Your Life http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg6472qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7sGezTX9rHr-IxvGrbJ6rwySKMKEJk/NBCT2bxiNEVzydH6aFuZpNs5RWSYZzXn4SWVXXGI7Z-p4Ky2B0n7sK93tHGGX6qU8SXYp1wmo9T5bKK1RtBqD-olmkE6LckgvvCjylXgVZpvI2l36fERWuR_I_Fq9t2AXCz_-dXQUsTQDcKu-n9ouA The military has JUST released a flashlight that's being called ""too bright for public use" to the public that is literally so bright it will blind a bear! <!--
16 hours ago
Another Debate Kicks Off With A Sharp Clash Over Health Care
HuffPost's Protect Your Home http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg6472qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7sGezTX9rHr-IxvGrbJ6rwySKMKEJk/NBCT2bxiNEVzydH6aFuZpNs5RWSYZzXn4SWVXXGI7Z-p4Ky2B0n7sK93tHGGX6qU8SXYp1wmo9T5bKK1RtBqD-olmkE6LckgvvCjylXgVZpvI2l36fERWuR_I_Fq9t2AXCz_-dXQUsTQDcKu-n9ouA <!-- Header Button Ends --><!-- Insider Exlcusive Copy Starts --> It's like having a spotlight in your hand. <!--
16 hours ago
Sanders Breaks With Obama On Wall Street Prosecutions
Hillary Clinton defended her Wall Street-funded super PAC by noting that President Barack Obama has used a super PAC and also accepted s of dollars in campaign donations from financial elites. Surely, the man who signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank bank reform law could not possibly be charged with being beholden to Wall Street, Clinton suggested.
Financial reform watchdogs, however, have cited several failures in Obama's Wall Street record. Bernie Sanders has been reluctant to publicly break with any specific aspect of Obama's legacy, as the president remains wildly popular among Democrats.
But during Thursday's debate, Sanders did suggest that Obama had dropped the ball in at least one area.
"No Wall Street executive has been prosecuted," Sanders noted, even though financial firms had paid more than 200 billion in combined fines and settlements in recent years over misconduct.
Indeed, Obama's Department of Justice opted not to prosecute Wall Street fraud. Then-Attorney General Eric Holder suggested in congressional testimony that doing so could threaten financial markets, only to walk the comment back after widespread criticism. But banking experts have repeatedly criticized Obama and Holder for letting elite bankers behave as if they are too big to jail.
Zach Carter
-->I know what you're thinking: "Yeah, but when am I going to need to blind a bear/ I still don't know how a flashlight can save my life? Like, when would I ever need to use it?"
Because of a few recent natural disasters the government hasn't really been able to protect it's citizens on (Hurricane Sandy, Katrina, Earthquakes in California, Tornados in the mid west, flooding in Texas) they're releasing the G700 to the public to help us better protect ourselves. http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg4611qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7sGezTX9rHr-IxvGrbJ6rwySKMKEJk/NBCT2bxiNEVzydH6aFuZpNs5RWSYZzXn4SWVXXGI7Z-p4Ky2B0n7sK93tHGGX6qU8SXYp1wmo9T5bKK1RtBqD-olmkE6LckgvvCjylXgVZpvI2l36fERWuR_I_Fq9t2AXCz_-dXQUsTQDcKu-n9ouA<!-- Header Link List Ends -->
http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg4610qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7sGezTX9rHr-IxvGrbJ6rwySKMKEJk/NBCT2bxiNEVzydH6aFuZpNs5RWSYZzXn4SWVXXGI7Z-p4Ky2B0n7sK93tHGGX6qU8SXYp1wmo9T5bKK1RtBqD-olmkE6LckgvvCjylXgVZpvI2l36fERWuR_I_Fq9t2AXCz_-dXQUsTQDcKu-n9ouABlind Attacker & Strike them with flashlight head http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg6472qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7sGezTX9rHr-IxvGrbJ6rwySKMKEJk/NBCT2bxiNEVzydH6aFuZpNs5RWSYZzXn4SWVXXGI7Z-p4Ky2B0n7sK93tHGGX6qU8SXYp1wmo9T5bKK1RtBqD-olmkE6LckgvvCjylXgVZpvI2l36fERWuR_I_Fq9t2AXCz_-dXQUsTQDcKu-n9ouA
A Note About Super PAC Coordination
Hillary Clinton took a question about her involvement with super PACs:
Senator Clinton, nearly half of your financial sector donations seem to come from George Soros and Don Sussman. You said there's no quid pro quo. Is that also true of the donations that wealthy Republicans give to Republican candidates, contributors including the Koch Brothers?
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