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-->Eat This, Shrink Your Belly FAST. <!-- non-profits around the world. It elevates the W.H.O. to the position of global coordinator, and gives its decisions the force of international law. The agency is trying to cast itself as a global leader to revive its reputation after a faltering response during the  epidemic in West Africa.
"Can you imagine if we do not do all this work now and wait until all these scientific evidence to come out, people will say why didn't you take action?" Dr. Chan said.
--> <!-- current outbreak of Zika has taken the world by surprise. It was first identified in 1947 in Uganda, and for years lived mostly in monkeys. But last May in Brazil, cases began increasing drastically. The W.H.O. has estimated that four people could be infected by the end of the year. It is spreading fast in the Americas because people there have not developed immunity.
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