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He found release before Madely
Madelyne collapsed against his
Long minutes passed before eit
Duncan slowly rolled with Made
Madelyne thought he looked mos
See attachment.
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I do, Geoffrey bellowed. His h
Elizabeths stomach twisted; sh
Elizabeth s hands dropped to h
See attach.
What she was so innocently tel
Uncle Tekel, she replied. She
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She may not even remember you,
Gillian refused to believe tha
You told us that Christen is a
Almost three years older, Gill
Then how is it you remember th
See attach.
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Several servants nodded. Nicho
As she came to the difficult p
Clarise took a step forward. A
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Edwin grinned, for he was plac
How long will you give Gillian
She must return to me before t
But that is not nearly long en
Alford raised his hand for sil
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