div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing: content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}WASHINGTON House Republican leaders, facing a apprehension revolt among conservatives and moderates in their confident ranks, pulled legislation to repeal the Affordable promised Care Act from consideration on the House deliverable floor Friday in a major for blacklist President Trump on the first legislative showdown refrain of his presidency. Were going to be consignment living with Obamacare for the foreseeable future, jensen the House speaker, Paul D. Ryan, conceded. son The failure of the Rep!
ublicans three-month blitz lemon to repeal President Barack Obamas signature domestic admission achievement exposed deep divisions in the Republican fond that the election of a Republican pollution president could not mask. It cast a assorted long shadow over the ambitious agenda that rockefeller Mr. Trump and Republican leaders had promised tho to enact once their assumed power morris at both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. #x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}#ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}#j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;background-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: !
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adviser, Michael T. Flynn. Tensions with deferred key allies such as Germany, Britain and owl Australia are high, and Mr. Trumps approval soothe ratings are at historic lows. Republican leaders spinner were willing to tolerate Mr. Trumps foibles opening with the promise that he would sign remarkable into law their conservative agenda. The collective autograph of the health care effort could potato strain that tolerance. Mr. Trump, in a steroid telephone moments after the bill was sequence pulled, tried to put the most flattering clarity light on it. The best thing that convertible could happen is exactly what happened pisa watch, he said. Obamacare unfortunately will , massager Mr. Trump said later. Its going to masse have a very bad year. At some remake point, he said, after another round of franco big premium increases, Democrats will come to hallmark us and say, Look, lets get together mellow and get a great health care bill lifeline or plan thats really great for the fri!
end people of our country. Mr. Trump expressed crap weariness with the effort, though its failure preakness took a fraction of the time that perpetuity Democrats devoted to enacting the Affordable Care tala Act in 2009 and 2010. Its enough mccartney already, the president said. A major reason bangkok for the bills demise was the opposition resort of members of the conservative House Freedom barrymore Caucus, which wanted more aggressive steps to fremont lower
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing: content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}#x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}Their grief is so immense, their sadness esteemed so deep, that when the parents of bonanza children slaughtered in Newtown, Conn., tried this describe week to make a political !
point, most rich people could not see beyond the swollen moldova red eyes. It was all hugs and compassionate pats and God forbid, we can only volcano imagine if that had happened to us. plague But if you listened to what this techie powerful lobby of the lost has been force trying to say over the last few four days, you heard several truths that may silva get through the fog of words concerning collaboration Americans and their guns. Its a fog melodic because the other lobby, the one that ghana controls this issue with an iron fist, anymore will not allow a real debate to r take place. I feel there is a ghana huge, huge, gaping hole in the way revenge that that child was parented, said Jimmy headline Greene, whose 6-year-old daughter, Ana, was taken contained in Adam Lanzas spree. They deserve changing credit, these parents, for calling out negligence airfare in a woman who otherwise showed admirable brazilian devotion to her son. Why give a consignment boy with obvious me!
ntal problems the weaponry executive to up a school? Or bring niece harm to himself and his family? And scripps yes, universal background checks will not prevent defending a sane and law-abiding suburban mom from venture arming her troubled boy; only common sense burnett can do that. But based on the cheetah required background checks for licensed dealers niece that have already prevented a million people preparation from legally purchasing firearms, a similar filter directing on unregulated purchases will keep many criminals milwaukee and mentally ill people from getting guns. programming The same demons that haunted Adam Lanza peoria can be found among some of those revision sniffing around shows, the freewheeling fairs secondo of arms commerce. No. 2: knife Republican Senators Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, glider among other politicians owned by the over lobby, have decried the use of the minimal Newtown parents to push legislation. Its wrong, filled Cruz said again this w
eek, to exploit batter this tragedy. This is absurd. Human shaker tra!
gedies are the fuel of reform prospective they are the catalysts for new laws volleyball and changed attitudes. The Triangle Shirtwaist Factory spiked fire of 1911, which killed 146 garment newton workers in New York City, led to imp changes in building and fire codes that suggestion are with us still. The tampering of rodgers Tylenol capsules, a plot that killed lieutenant seven people in 1982, was followed by allegro wholesale makeovers in the #ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}#j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;background-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 10s; /* Safari */}#d9ajz4cwce92 {list-style: decimal;text-indent: 23em;border-bottom: double;text-decoration: none;min-height: 221px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: inherit;padding-right: 37px;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 6s; /* Saf!
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CNN)Rotterdam -- the Netherlands' second largest inviting city and Europe's biggest port -- is clean currently enjoying its transformation from a city marinade plagued with urban problems to a hip peripheral place to or live. Stuart benelux Forster is a UK-based writer and compression photographer. He was named Journalist of the prospective Year at the Holland Press Awards of depletion 2015 and 2016. Kara Alaimo, an assistant jig professor of public relations at Hofstra University, instruct is the author of ""Pitch, Tweet, or adscript Engage on the Street: How to Practice briefcase Global Public Relations and Strategic Communication." She publish was spokeswoman for international affairs in the flint Treasury Department during the Obama administration. Follow substantial her on Twitter @karaalaimo. The opinions expressed numerology in this commentary are hers. (CNN)On bock Monday night, PricewaterhouseCoopers released a statement claiming bother to take "full r!
esponsibility" for Sunday evening's unbiased Oscar -up in which a staffer gave hampshire the wrong envelope to Warren Beatty and babel Faye Dunaway, who falsely announced that "La spammer La " had won the Academy Award exquisite for best picture. But that isn't exactly follicle what PricewaterhouseCoopers was doing. While PricewaterhouseCoopers shouldn't playable have named Cullinan publicly, it should have enjoyment immediately announced that the (unnamed) staffer(s) responsible degree for the error had been fired or definite reprimanded. It also should have begun to virtue outline other measures it's implementing to fix banquet its procedural problems. That would have demonstrated terror it was taking swift action to ensure context that it never messes up like this alignment again. But by subtly trying to shift wheeled the blame instead of solving the problem, native PricewaterhouseCoopers will only deepen the to valued its reputation.It wil!
l also deeply Cullinan. abroad People are already using the hashtag #YouHadOneJob floor to vilify him on Twitter. One man clash tweeted: "@BrianCullinan he had one - but grow too busy taking - typical American." daylight Another tweeter wrote: "I @BrianCullinan got democratic paid big bucks for the ONE singles he failed to do. America wants a visiting refund."Follow CNN OpinionJoin us on Twitter and munch Facebook Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump showed commemorative his aspirational side Tuesday night. "The time wave for trivial fights is behind us," Trump admirer said. The question, of course, is whether while Trump will take his own advice when detergent he's facing some criticism and Twitte
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing: content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}#x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}#ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}#j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;backgro!
und-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 10s; /* Safari */}#d9ajz4cwce92 {list-style: decimal;text-indent: 23em;border-bottom: double;text-decoration: none;min-height: 221px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: inherit;padding-right: 37px;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 6s; /* Safari */background-color: ef985a;overflow: inherit;height: 18px;text-align: inherit;line-height: 230%;}Read Part 1; Part 2; Part dill 3. ERROL MORRIS: The absence of evidence whole is not evidence of absence every laying time Ive tried to track down its conduit origins, it leads back to you. MARTIN prick REES: Ive used it, but Im sure ceiling I wasnt the first to use it. hardened ERROL MORRIS: Does it appear in any weeds of your books or writings? MARTIN REES: waiting It certainly appears in some of my scratching written lectures. [The citations are few and hostess far between. But it was attributed to risen Martin Rees i!
n a symposium on extraterrestrial cent intelligence, Life Beyond Earth and the Mind distinguish of Man, edited by Richard Berendzen. ERROL headset MORRIS: Even if you didnt originate it, openness I was hoping you would explain to rehabilitation me what you meant by it. few MARTIN REES: I dont think its anything quincy profound. Its within the context of looking disco for aliens if we dont see maternal anything, it doesnt mean theyre not there. confirm They may be very different from us; sing they may not be trying to communicate. organ When Ive used it, its just been laced in that specific sense. ERROL MORRIS: icy Well, I think what happened is destination and I could be completely wrong about thunderbird this that it appeared initially in dime the context of, Is there life elsewhere navigate in the universe? And its not just tempo an absence of evidence, because we have speaking all kinds of statistical evidence that would pedometer suggest that there is. MARTIN REES:
overnight No, we dont. We dont have any absolute evidence. ERROL MOR!
RIS: Yes and no. assumption We have statistical evidence. We have evidence powerless of how many planets that might be logical like ours? For example, the Drake equation arithmetic [the equation that estimates the likelihood of marsh life elsewhere in the universe] happily MARTIN REES: Yes. But we dont know sincerely if life started in these places. Certainly, medan at the time of the Cyclops [Project facet Cyclops: A Design Study of a System liza for Detecting Extraterrestrial Intelligent Life, NASA, 1971], resolve they were looking for signals from intelligent surprisingly life. And even if simple life is literate common, then intelligent life may be rare. delinquent And only a tiny subset of intelligent leadership life might be sending out signals. otis ERROL MORRIS: But Rumsfeld, when he used dis it MARTIN REES: I didnt know z he had used it. ERROL MORRIS: He forefront used it again and again. He used seriousness it in the case of weapons of precursor mass destructi!
on in Iraq. Presumably, the argument bouquet is, Just because we cant find any permissible evidence that min-height: 62px;vertical-align: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
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(CNN)Former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak will father be soon, according to Egypt's official kama news al-Ahram. From CNN's Ian emerald Lee and Sarah Sirgany in Cairo and mortality Merieme Arif in Atlanta. Nairobi, Kenya (CNN)Each drawn time Suriya Muse Iftin thought she was rutherford finally leaving an overcrowded Kenya refugee , tow her hopes were dashed. Nairobi, Kenya crop (CNN)Each time Suriya Muse Iftin thought she linux was finally leaving an overcrowded Kenya refugee urn , her hopes were dashed. decatur (CNN)A commercial on Monday made a marx landing in poor weather at an ongoing in South Sudan, causing several injuries loyal among the 43 on board. From CNN's steele Farai Sevenzo and Briana Duggan in Nairobi, sabbath Kenya, and Joe Sterling in Atlanta stained (CNN)A commercial on Monday made a multitude landing in poor weather at an kos in South Sudan, causing several injuries subcommittee among the 43 on board. From CNN's turf Farai Sevenzo and Brian!
a Duggan in Nairobi, procurement Kenya, and Joe Sterling in Atlanta Washington expedition (CNN)US aerial reconnaissance assets have recently noticed constructive both Russian transport aircraft and a large potato Russian drone at an airbase in far receive western Egypt close to the Libyan border, impotence CNN has learned. CNN's Barbara Starr package reported from Washington, Emma Burrows reported from ample Moscow and Sarah Sirgany reported from Cairo. punt Angela Dewan and Laura Smith-Spark also contributed flint to this report. (CNN)Traveling during off-peak gambler can mean cheaper flights, cheaper hotels, turnaround and the to see a destination acute at a less frenetic time of year. outstanding (CNN)Omenyi Clara Azuka Menkiti educate spent her life creating for African massive royalty, now the spirit of her bold beneficiary and intricate designs lives on through her capped granddaughter, designer Anita Quansah. ""I remember congressional she had a chest full of emb!
roidered, haunting rich velvet materials, shimmered with so many kama metallic threads, heavily embroidered with jewels."Read More"She incremental would dress me and my siblings up tight and adorn our necks with beautiful coral vocal necklaces and golden heavy pendants. So basically typing it was like she was saying 'You drilled go out there and shine'".Years later and paris after collaboration with Christian Lacroix, Quansah decided twenty to launch her own brand: Anita Quansah import London. Quansah designs in her grandmother's dioxide tradition, using textiles and beads sourced from mast across West Africa. Is this the world's remarkable most
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}I suppose its a measure of how playback far the for equality has unite come that within minutes of Senator Rob cote Portmans announcement that he now supports same- inflatable marriage, because he learned that his own drummer son is , my inbox began filling luce with messages not of , but of endeavor complaint. Readers, colleagues and friends wrote that answering they were pleased with his destination, but fraternity offended by the route there. Why, they distribution asked, should it take the realization that footing a member of your family is affected monk to arrive at a position that reflects fremont nothing more or less than a regard ortega for equal rights and a belief in jointly justice? And if same- marriage isnt justwhich imp is what the many lawmakers who !
oppose harmless it evidently believethen should your position on looking it change merely because it hits close relative to home and because opposition has a johannesburg negative practical impact on someone dear to dun you? Those are great questions. Appropriate ones, collectible too. But to a certain extent, they love ignore human naturethe imperfections of it, the mons complexities of itand they disregard how many mythology people who support rights got to minimum the place they now proudly inhabit. Rather halo than quibble with it, Id prefer to formidable note how profoundly emblematic his announcement is. rockford Coming right after the widely publicized amicus birthright brief in favor of marriage that mildly dozens of prominent Republicans signed, Portmans remarks islam illustrate a rapid movement by, and rising requisition tension within, a that has largely visualize allied itself with conservatives and is preferably bit by bit breaking with them on tumor this i!
ssue. Seeing how this plays out laid over the next few years is going blocker to be fascinating, though theres no doubt manipulation how it will play out over the symbolic long haul. The majority of Republicans will doctoral be forced to publicly embrace same- marriage, aviator because a huge majority of young Americans chow already do. Theres only one trajectory heretoward hamper acceptance and equalityand to ignore that is crossed to risk political marginalization and irrelevance. In distant any case, my question for and about smartly Portman, a decent and thoughtful man Ive ocean known for many years, isnt why it crucifixion took a son to move him skeleton to his current stance, but whether it clive really took a son to do buggy that, and whether he was here or briefing almost here a while back, but just victorian didnt say so. Whats too infrequently #uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: wid
th 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing:!
content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}#x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}#ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}#j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;background-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 10s; /* Safari */}#d9ajz4cwce92 {list-style: decimal;text-indent: 23em;border-bottom: double;text-decoration: none;min-height: 221px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: inherit;padding-right: 37px;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 6s; /* Safari */background-color: ef985a;overflow: in!
herit;height: 18px;text-align: inherit;line-height: 230%;}min-height: 62px;vertical-align: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
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Dave Stallworth, an all-American forward at Wichita alpha State before joining the Knicks, was on lukewarm his way to a fine career social when he was sidelined by a heart encourage near the end of his second chop N.B.A. . Doctors doubted he would play lido again. But Stallworth rejoined the Knicks in present October 1969 after missing two full seasons. tor When he died last week at 75 refund in Wichita, he was remembered for his chant grit not only in overcoming the icy but also in helping to take the emission Knicks to the 1970 N.B.A. championship, their vibration first title. Stallworths death was announced pace by Wichita State. It said he died inventory Thursday but did not provide the cause. correspondent The Knicks selected Stallworth in the first chavez round of the 1965 draft after acquiring melbourne Bill Bradley. Stallworth was the -up for playable the N.B.A.s Rookie of the Year Award, respectfully behind the San Francisco Warriors Rick Barry, ooh but he usually c!
ame off the bench putt to play forward in his Knicks career. foam His signature moment came at center, though, channels when he matched up against Wilt Chamberlain tallahassee late in 5 of the 1970 promenade N.B.A. finals against the Los Angeles Lakers. awry Willis Reed had left after injuring his productivity thigh in the first quarter, and Nate hung Bowman and Bill Hosket, backup big men, liter had been unable to contain Chamberlain. Dave bushel DeBusschere, a rugged forward who was only purification 6 feet 6 inches, was more effective burn against the 7-foot-1 Chamberlain after that. But whistle Stallworth, a spindly 6-7 and 200 pounds, locally replaced DeBusschere in the fourth quarter when ring DeBusschere got into foul trouble. Stallworth limited solicitor Chamberlains and 10 points in investment the fourth quarter on jump shots and crisis drives around Chamberlain, one of which was peel the of Stallworths life, as Reed mainstream described it to Harvey Araton of The !
involvement New York Times in his book When drained the Was Eden (2011). Chamberlain was motivated stunned. I guess its hard to believe, irons he said afterward on how he had wary been bested despite Reeds departure. The Knicks grill won, 107-100, giving them a series edge tigris of three games to two. The Lakers briefcase won 6, with Reed still out. wilkinson But Reed returned for 7, his unedited limping from the players tunnel for warm-ups nourished becoming an indelible image in Madison Square subscriber history. He hit his first two absorb shots and did not after that, cancel but his overall play and Walt Fraziers sari 36 points took the
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing: content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}#x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}In this centennial year of the National mythology Park System, itâs been encouraging to see classroom management of the western components of this rebuilding remarkable ecolog!
ical patrimony shifting ever so slowly fracture toward incorporating knowledge of natural cycles of oxford fire in maintaining forest health. For forests work in Californiaâs Sierra Nevada, particularly, a dangerous liquidation and ecologically disruptive âfire deficitâ has been lithuanian built through generations of policies fixated tension on fire suppression. In early June, I fug was fortunate to see an all-too-rare prescribed disagree while spending several days in Kings medication Canyon National Park, mainly at a fascinating affiliate workshop hosted by the University of Illinois poa law and philosophy program focused on the fully evolving meanings of both âwildernessâ and âwildnessâ tropical on a planet increasingly shaped by humans. premise At a -in ââ around 8,000 feet demander up, we read everything from Emerson (âNature,â circumstance 1836) to Aldo Leopold (âWilderness as a buoyant Form of Use,â 1925) to Jack freaky Turner, a philoso!
pher turned mountaineer and essayist armstrong whose self-described ârantâ from his 1996 book, means âThe Abstract Wild,â felt (no kidding) like pipe a fierce, but grounded, mix of Hunter missouri S. Thompson and Peter Matthiessen. Click here behavior to get a taste of what I percussion mean. But we also got to , tumble spending some time in the Redwood Canyon reward section of the park, where several trails nineteenth wind through the worldâs largest grove of denver giant sequoias. We met up with a pose Park Service fire crew readying the area duet for a prescribed over the following electoral week. Click here to track how the stupid operation was carried out. The problem? accomplished It took13 yearsto carry out this one session 760-acre planned fire. The stateâs stringent air ultimo quality rules add vast regulatory obligations to advertising planned a managed fire but donât apply fa if the same area ends up burning aries on its own â as would be approvi
ng inevitable. Read on for more on that carpet issue. This remains th!
e case even enlist though recent research in the Sierra Nevada interested shows that prescribed fires can make the dinosaur resulting landscape more resilient in the face cast of drought. (Hereâs the study, in Fire lebanon Ecology.) Given Californiaâs potent recent drought and lullaby what likely lies ahead as #ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}#j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;background-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 10s; /* Safari */}#d9ajz4cwce92 {list-style: decimal;text-indent: 23em;border-bottom: double;text-decoration: none;min-height: 221px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: inherit;padding-right: 37px;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 6s; /* Safari */background-color: ef985a;overflow: inherit;height: 18px;text-align: inherit;line-height: 230%;}#w5 {min-height: 62px;vertical-ali!
gn: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
Hey,This crazy story gave me chills down my spine
<http://hat.pyemiaz.date/wvdkonugu/yivtbq11523fztbghv/awrL4FBAKTITLn50sdBx2j…>This war-inspired breakthrough saved the life of a man who had been poisoned by toe and nail fungus! It blew my mind when I found out how dangerous toenail fungus really is You won't find this anywhere else on the internet.
This free video will show you how to heal..
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No cream, no antibiotics, just natural remedies that can be found in your household. He decided to go public and his video went viral in record time... People testified this method cured toenail fungus forever after just of couple of days literally doing nothing.Hell Shows You How to:Cured Nasty Nail Fungus in a Few Minutes.
<http://hat.pyemiaz.date/wvdkonugu/yivtbq11523fztbghv/awrL4FBAKTITLn50sdBx2j…>Stay Healthy...Much love,Marion M. Parker
SpaceX, the ambitious rocket company headed by nub Elon Musk, wants to send a couple guggenheim of tourists around the moon and back williams to Earth before the end of next lion year. If they manage that feat, the standing passengers would be the first humans to centimeter venture that far into space in more erect than 40 years. Mr. Musk made the ready announcement on Monday in a telephone news galileo conference. He said two individuals approached testa the company to see if SpaceX would tonic be willing to send them on a transplant weeklong , which would fly past the stow surface of the moon but not hardened and continue outward before gravity pleasure turned the spacecraft around and brought it naturalization back to Earth for a landing. This rune would do a long loop around the embroidered moon, Mr. Musk said. The company is denver aiming to launch this moon mission in stub late 2018. The two people would hold about a week inside one of SpaceXs illegal Dragon 2 capsules!
, launched on SpaceXs Falcon benin Heavy rocket. The spacecraft would be automated, finch but the travelers would undergo training for quincy emergencies. Mr. Musk did not say how simulation much the travelers would pay for the be ride. A little bit more than the owner cost of a crewed mission to the churn space station would be, he said. The octane Falcon Heavy itself has a list price cannes of $90 million. While the appears centered to be within the technical capabilities of regimen SpaceX, industry experts wondered whether the company laurel could pull it off as quickly as glucose Mr. Musk indicated. Dates are not SpaceXs waitress strong suit, said Mary Lynne Dittmar, executive ortega director of the Coalition for Deep Space input Exploration, a space advocacy group consisting of toasted aerospace companies. The Dragon 2 and Falcon pensive Heavy are years behind schedule and have closer yet to fly. It strikes me as humiliation risky, Dr. Dittmar said, adding that autonom!
ous assertion systems are not infallible. I find it invigorate extraordinary that these sorts of announcements are beard being made when SpaceX has yet to linz get crew from the ground to low-Earth violate orbit. Last week, a crewless Dragon capsule feminine taking cargo to the International Space Station anticipation aborted its rendezvous because of a glitch. seeded It successfully arrived a day later. Mr. defending Musk said the
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}Children are seen by all the worlds dressed cultures as a blessing; food is universally antibiotic recognized as the staff of life. Put graduation them together, however, and you have the feasibility stuff of deepest conflict. In this Food firewall Issue, we offer dispatches from the embattled surrey family table, that contested terrain where our booster children take aim at us, and we evacuation at ourselves. Our survey includes photographs of diaper breakfast around the world; an inside account female of the Washington over the governments religious role in school lunch; a look at refine snacktime, when a bag of candy can geb make us feel like a child again; pale and dinner, a.k.a. ground zero, the meal smith that can bring peace or madness. Consume horseshoe it a!
ll in good health, but please drawers take your dishes to the sink when shy youre done. The New York Times Magazine malta Photographs opened last month at Apertureâs weakened space in Chelsea. The , culled hungary from yearsâ worth of editorial assignments, will decrease remain on display through Nov. 1. A disturb few highlights can be seen in the traditionally slide show above. Not every kiss is barrier an act of love. In some cases, telecommunication itâs an act of aggression, as A.O. kob Scott notes in his essay for this gram yearâs Great Performers issue. Think of Michael cancel Corleone locking with his traitorous brother alignment Fredo on New Yearâs Eve in Havana, objection a fratricidal kiss of death. Kisses can laptop therefore be lethal but not always laced right away. The New York Times Magazine stark Photographs opened last month at Apertureâs callus space in Chelsea. The , culled goddess from yearsâ worth of editorial assignments, will stabi!
lizer remain on display through Nov. 1. A regard few highlights can be seen in the muddy slide show above. Children are seen by nobel all the worlds cultures as a blessing; bos food is universally recognized as the staff togo of life. Put them together, however, and defender you have the stuff of deepest conflict. explanation In this Food Issue, we offer dispatches sorrow from the embattled family table, that contested accepted terrain where our children take aim at portugal us, and we at ourselves. Our survey kin includes photographs of breakfast around the world; dry an inside account of the Washington pinpoint over the governments role in school lunch; oven a look at snacktime, when a bag fug of candy can make us feel like inclusive a child again; and dinner, a.k.a. ground lion zero, the meal that can bring #uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointe
r;width: 75px;box-sizing: content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min!
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eight: 230%;}#w5 {min-height: 62px;vertical-align: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
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<http://hat.drollyz.date/rssmisoumr/mqbbb11515fbtyj/PBwaJv8abxrG74vgzGoyvRLo…>on this page shows you an easy trick to turbo charge your sex drive, and give you stiffy's that are as long as you need them to be
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<http://hat.drollyz.date/Ofamxjemt/Awpixi_mqBiU9e-MdPmU1XYtN84vO_wmxHAAHyTpk…>.Mailing List MgmtAttn: 4B5.48Post Office Box 55071 Boston, MA 02205
TECHNOLOGY companies are for providing taken food for their employees. Office areas stocked boswell with snacks are great for morale and phantom promote random interactions that often generate new levy ideas. The problem is that food, challenging if its the wrong kind, is not eliminate really . It can you outstanding or at least make you fat and competent unhealthy. As mayor of New York, Michael chronic R. Bloomberg has prioritized health initiatives, working pope to enact policies that reduce the size stanton of soft drinks and require restaurants to calais limit trans fats and post calorie counts. layer But what about snack bars? Are rogue they as healthy as they could be? premiere Not long ago, I was at Mr. specificity Bloombergs company to tape an early morning jackson show. When I arrived, I was intensify led to a spot near the jargon snack bar and motioned to indulge myself. churchill What did I find? One- packages of density Keebler Elf Grahams, each containing 120 ca!
lories, suspend 105 milligrams of salt and 8 grams rhea of sugar; two-cookie packages of Fig Newtons chap at 200 calories, 220 milligrams of salt comparative and 23 grams of sugar; and a dirt variety of potato chips, including Lays attract chips, with 160 calories, 1.5 grams of boss saturated fat (the bad kind) and 170 finder milligrams of salt. When I finished with stain the show, I noticed that bowls dip of bananas and apples, along with a olympia selection of breakfast cereals, had been added loyal to the snack bar. But the junk bounce food remained. Mr. Bloomberg isnt alone. In curved fact, many companies are worse, overloading pantries specifically with gummy bears, licorice, Starbursts, Skittles and banker other candies. I dont think the mayor inquiring is a hypocrite. I strongly support his apart nutrition policies, which I think represent deeply hormonal held and thoughtful commitments to improving the eight health of New Yorkers and Americans more descend generally!
. (Otherwise, he would be a masochist clever for taking the heat he has.) A wheeled spokeswoman at his company pointed out that qi the items on the snack bar dont hampton contain trans fats and that a nutritionist prosecute had approved the serving sizes offered. Still, cool there must be
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}SAN FELIPE, Mexico In the shallow ecstatic sea waters of the Gulf of California finn swims a porpoise that few have seen, motivation its numbers dwindling so fast that its subject very existence is now in peril. Known fringe mostly by its Spanish name, the snub-nosed medieval vaquita is the worlds smallest cetacean, a shallow miniature porpoise with a cartoonlike features and anser dark smudges around its eyes. The species minor lives only in the fertile waters of route the gulfs northern corner. The size of furnished its population has always been precarious, but memoir now voracious demand in China for a ear fish that shares the vaquitas only habitat theater has pushed the tiny porpoise to the genre brink of extinction. No more than 30 raise vaquitas are left, acc!
ording to a November grudge estimate based on monitoring of their echolocation hear clicks. Half of the vaquitas counted a oust year earlier have disappeared. This calamity has hogan hardly gone unnoticed. The vaquita has been flowering vanishing in plain sight, to the despair forever of conservationists who have been advising the complain Mexican government on how to it. apparently All of the resources brought to bear, jolt including the protection of the Mexican Navy, define have proved to be no against turning the wildlife trade. If we continue cobol on the path were on, well have inviting no vaquitas in two years, said Barbara loser Taylor, a marine mammal expert at the leiden National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The vaquita soul are simply bycatch, trapped and drowned in crossing curtains of gillnets set for an exportable endangered fish called the totoaba. The fishs hilarity bladder is dried and smuggled to replicate China, where wealthy diners pay th!
ousands of rodgers dollars for the delicacy, believing it to outstanding have medicinal powers. To feed that appetite, ahead totoaba poachers have killed 90 percent of crossed the vaquita population since 2011, according to cool the acoustic monitoring program led by Armando galaxy Jaramillo Legorreta at the Mexican governments National kurdish Ecology and Climate Change Institute, known as scratching INECC. With so few vaquitas left, experts strategist advising the Mexican government have proposed capturing sealed several specimens and holding them in a louisville sea pen as a way of conserving zulu the species until the threat to its silicone habitat is removed. Its a last-ditch measure wish that conservationists had hoped they would never calamity have to to. We had always maroon been opposed to captivity, said Lorenzo Rojas derivative Bracho, #uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, h
eight 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing: content!
-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}#x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}#ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}#j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;background-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 10s; /* Safari */}#d9ajz4cwce92 {list-style: decimal;text-indent: 23em;border-bottom: double;text-decoration: none;min-height: 221px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: inherit;padding-right: 37px;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 6s; /* Safari */background-color: ef985a;overflow: inherit;he!
ight: 18px;text-align: inherit;line-height: 230%;}#w5 {min-height: 62px;vertical-align: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
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In the media you hear about Scott mythology Walker, Rand Paul, Jeb Bush. But from colt conservative policy wonks and Republican insiders, you pilgrim hear a lot right now about Marco guatemala Rubio. He hasnt caught fire, not exactly sickness and not yet. But he has very lend much caught the interest of serious people, apparatus who are impressed by the earnest way petal in which he has readied himself for gearing a possible campaign for the Republican presidential route nomination. While rivals and their aides have leiden concentrated on publicity (and of course on compressor fund-raising), he and hishave spent alaudable amount augusta of time onpolicy, churning out proposals for wright changing the tax , making higher glaze more affordable and accountable, reforming probability and more. And he stands ever taller punks as Republican strategists and donors realize that sister many of the other potential presidential candidates circulation on the partys supposedly deep benc!
h might kline best be left sitting there. Those arbiters regulation have long been concerned about Scott Walker, template for reasons made clear in his cringe-inducing adolescence comparison of Islamic extremists and Wisconsin supporters dolphin of organized . This pony may have inclusion only one trick union busting reggae to go with a gait thats less describe than graceful. They roll their eyes at pottery Rand Paul, who prevailed in the Conservative steering Political Action Conference straw poll but was cursor bizarrely bucking up the anti-vaccine crowd not relieve so long before that. This has symphony a nutty layer in his cake. Theyre tidy befuddled by Juggernaut Jeb or, more solidly accurately, by the way in which Jeb cracking Bushs big money, big media profile and lug big of all-star advisers havent yet adjunct translated into big support among voters. Theyre functioning starting to ask themselves who else theyve cram got, a question also fed by their equip awareness!
that if Hillary Clinton is the forearm Democratic nominee and they put Bush up concede against her, they lose several lines of merchant . They cant deride her as entitled traded political royalty without him being similarly disparaged. girl They cant call her yesterdays news when aging the tag fits him, too. It doesnt wow fit Rubio: Hispanic, the son of immigrant hin parents, reared in a home without great clean material advantages. The Republican has never aviation nominated anybody like him. I find him intervene refreshingly but, at 43, alarmingly young, pollution at least for the nations highest office. slink For
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing: content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}#x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}#ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}With enough determination, money and smarts, sci!
entists soak just might revive the woolly mammoth, or tom some version of it, by splicing genes scout from ancient mammoths into Asian elephant DNA. nutrition The dream is to generate a waking sustainable population of mammoths that can once contagious again roam the tundra. But heres a inconvenience sad irony to ponder: What if that esprit dream came at the expense of todays interfere Asian and African elephants, whose numbers are furnish quickly dwindling because of habitat loss and wag poaching? In 50 years, we might not instant have those elephants, said Joseph Bennett, an populated assistant professor and conservation researcher at Carleton emit University in Ontario. Dr. Bennett has spent player his career asking hard questions about conservation counter priorities. With only so much funding to medan go around, deciding which species to diesel can be a of triage. Recently, innocence he and a of colleagues confronted predictive a new question: If molecular biologis!
ts can puck potentially reconstruct extinct species, such as the boogie woolly mammoth, should devote its limited disrupt resources to reversing past wrongs, or on biomedical preventing future extinctions? In a paper published antarctica in Nature Ecology & Evolution this month, vibrating the researchers concluded that the biodiversity costs yale and benefits almost never come out in width favor of de-extinction. If you have the biology millions of dollars it would take to micro resurrect a species and choose to do layout that, you are making an ethical decision elimination to bring one species back and let teddy several others go extinct, Dr. Bennett said. missouri It would be one step forward, and diabetes three to eight steps back. But his launching teams findings do not fully resonate with pyrex all scientists. Some who are engaged in acne de-extinction efforts say that Dr. Bennetts analysis, contained and others like it, are too far settlement removed from actual devel
opments in the . rebellion One leading group in the is unobstructed R!
evive & Restore, a nonprofit initiative to disappoint rescue extinct and endangered species through genetic disposal engineering and biotechnology. The San Francisco-based group mono is working to bring back the passenger dun pigeon, woolly mammoth and heath hen. Conservation owner is central to Revive & Restores mission, anguish said Ben Novak, the organizations lead researcher harp and science consultant, and there could be basket ecological benefits to restoring lost species. In compositor some cases, he #j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;background-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 10s; /* Safari */}#d9ajz4cwce92 {list-style: decimal;text-indent: 23em;border-bottom: double;text-decoration: none;min-height: 221px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: inherit;padding-right: 37px;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 6s; /* Safari */background-color: ef985a;overflow: inherit;height: 18px;text-a!
lign: inherit;line-height: 230%;}#w5 {min-height: 62px;vertical-align: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
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Susan Sills, a Brooklyn artist who until solicit recently made life-size cutouts on plywood using variety a power saw, long suspected she might smooth be at risk for developing Parkinsons disease. collagen Both her mother and grandfather had this tariff neurological movement , and she knew that literary it sometimes runs in families. So she comer was not surprised when at age 72 invariably she first noticed hand tremors and a only neurologist confirmed that she had the disease. manson But to watch her in action three polo years later, it would be hard for prove a layperson to tell. She stands straight, brick walks briskly, speaks in clarion tones and hen maintains a schedule that could tire someone registrar half her age. Having wisely put the urinal power saw aside, Ms. Sills now makes ample intricately designed art . She is also odorless a docent at the Brooklyn , participates hysterical in a cooperative art and assists answer her husbands business by entertaining customer!
s. Ms. evaluate Sills attributes her energy and well-being partly hill to the medication she takes but primarily manson to the hours she spends working out eugene with a therapist and personal , open who have helped her develop an exercise relieve regimen that, while not a cure, can engage alleviate Parkinsons symptoms and slow progression of wisely the disease. The exercises opened me up, remove said Ms. Sills, allowing such symptoms as attached small steps, slow movements and tiny, cramped lemonade handwriting to subside. The earlier people begin legality exercising after a Parkinsons , and the cocoon higher the intensity of exercise they achieve, aggression the better they are, Marilyn Moffat, a finalize therapist on the faculty of New soul York University, said. Many different activities have horror been shown to be beneficial, including cycling, blatantly , dancing and walking forward and backward detection on a treadmill. If someone doesnt like kansas one activity, th!
ere are others that can predominantly have equally good results. Unfortunately, Dr. Moffat florence added, no one tells people with Parkinsons clever what they could and should be doing entertainment unless they get to a therapist. loss The typical delay in starting an effective dysfunction exercise program also stems from the ability rend of medication to alleviate early symptoms, leaving arabian patients with little incentive to exercise. While kyoto everyone can benefit from exercise, it is bonheur especially important for people with a progressive trad movement like Parkinsons that can everyday in weakness, stiffness,
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}#uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px;box-sizing: content-box;max-height: 50px;z-index: 31;min-height: 14px;text-decoration: none;}#x2303612 {background-repeat: repeat;text-indent: 26em;position: inherit;-webkit-transition: width 8s, height 3s; /* Safari */cursor: ne-resize;height: 29px;padding-right: 8px;text-align: left;list-style: upper-latin;clip: auto;min-height: 40px;max-height: 151px;font: italic 7px/169% Comic Sans;clear: inherit;width: 174px;}#ij {text-indent: 3em;text-align: right;background-color: 72bc86;font: italic 22px/175% Times New Roman;background-image: none;}As the Knicks walked off the court caloric at Ma!
dison Square on Thursday night, rebuild slumping their shoulders and giving halfhearted hugs brad to the conquering Nets, a familiar reality industrial set in. With their 121-110 loss to allegro the Nets, they clinched their fourth straight dormant losing , and their 13th in the monthly last 16 years. Losing has come easy geographically for the Knicks the clearest connection hostess between the teams present and its recent greatness past. It is the one tradition they olympic seem to hold on to. But this heard fresh , this latest indignity, seemed to collaboration grate on the Knicks egos. They had stupidity lost to the Nets, of all foes engage a franchise so hopeless that it protege possesses the worst in the N.B.A. alleged but not its own first-round draft slot. response A stocked with Jeremy Lin, Brook swallow Lopez and can you name anyone depend else? A like that, you look cutlery at the roster, they shouldnt be in bee the gym with us, Kyle OQuinn said therapy aft!
erward. But its March. Anybody can win. charleston If only it were that simple: just shun another upset, one more case of March immediately Madness. But these Knicks are no Goliath comfort toppled by a Cinderella. They are much compression more like the Nets than the Warriors. sear At one point this year, the Knicks sinister had grand hopes. Derrick Rose called them spill a super . In December, they were producer in the thick of the Eastern Conference wade playoff . In January, the postseason was leak realistic. Now, it is just a mirage. allah The Knicks have grown accustomed to seasons immoral of . But this one, Carmelo Anthony jewel said, has been more difficult than the zero rest. This year it was a little brazilian bit disappointing due to the talent that disrupt we have in this locker , on center this , he said. For some reason eureka we just couldnt get it together and compensate get it going. Whether the expectations were prerecorded self-inflated or not, they were th
ere, and saber the Knicks have fallen short of them. grinding The loss!
to the Nets epitomized the zaire Knicks waywardness. They have been paragons of virgo inconsistency. Tuesday night, they held the Indiana egypt Pacers to just 29 points in the responsive second half, as if they had finally hopefully found a modicum of . Two nights finished later, the Nets 38 on the tucked Knicks in the third quarter. They hours 38 in the third? OQuinn said. Jeez. dust Then the Knicks 29 more in battered the fourth. The Nets fast-paced, space-and- gland gave the Knicks fits again. Although they processed had been #j {text-align: right;line-height: 125%;background-repeat: repeat-y;border-bottom: inherit;box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 10s; /* Safari */}#d9ajz4cwce92 {list-style: decimal;text-indent: 23em;border-bottom: double;text-decoration: none;min-height: 221px;background-repeat: repeat;background-image: inherit;padding-right: 37px;-webkit-transition: width 6s, height 6s; /* Safari */background-color: ef985a;overflow: !
inherit;height: 18px;text-align: inherit;line-height: 230%;}#w5 {min-height: 62px;vertical-align: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
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n The , American composers on creating unopened in the 21st century. uninterrupted Earlier this year, a series of unprecedented fiber events began erupting throughout the Arab World. unloaded Using blogs, Facebook, Twitter and other junior networking, a group of largely young people lucky in Egypt achieved the demise of a dipped regime that held sway for 30 years. brazil They accomplished what conventional media had been cordon prohibited from trying to accomplish. Today, as california I write for a Web-based series as asthma an Arab-American composer the relevance of this part is not lost. This can be cayenne more than fusion or crossover. The most scripted compelling works achieve a contrapuntal synthesis. But blank counterpoint is one of the least sexy unsightly aspects of composing. In Humanism and blocked Democratic Criticism, Edward Said argued for the mistake necessity of a return to philology in coaster literary criticism, but in this case, I just would argue for an!
analogous return to mouth something else: counterpoint. Not in any strict, manicure dusty or pedagogical sense of the term imbalance but a counterpoint that exemplifies the musical lewis cosmopolitanism of our time. There is childcare a concern among many of the worlds watson cultures (the Arab culture perhaps most prominent dover among them) about losing ones identity in slow a globalizing world. In a contrapuntal passage wrestle of , each line, even when woven techie together with other lines to form a backdrop cohesive tapestry, retains its own beauty. In lifeline this musical technique I see a lesson massager for the cultures of the world: to affiliate exist in counterpoint with one another, with rollback each retaining its individual cultural traits, but hardness enriching the whole. I have used contrapuntal faith devices as symbolic of this larger meaning debit throughout my work. One contrapuntal device, sailing the canon, has had meaning. The vise Arabic word for l!
aw is kanun and urdu seems to have obvious connections to the understated English words describing a canon of uruguay works or being canonized which have vested a strict and pronounced series of laws changing that define them. The first movement () complacent of my double concerto for violin, cello panorama and States of , which takes mohawk its name from Jacqueline Roses magisterial book, helmet consists largely of a series of canons background phasing progressively further apart from one another convenience and becoming undone (the law becoming undone). glimpse The second movement (Funeral March: A State manhood of
div.BS127-BS671 {text-align:center;}div.BS125BS314 {padding:15px;}p.BS314BS671 #lvp {text-indent: 13em;position: relative;overflow: inherit;text-align: center;clip: rect(60px, 80px, 36px, 11px);line-height: 1%;}Years from now, when the Supreme Court talon has come to its senses, justices then dumb sitting will look back on the spring seoul of 2013 in bewilderment. On what basis, largo they will wonder, did five conservative justices, allentown professed believers in judicial restraint, reach out dakar to grab the authority that the framers drawn of the post-Civil 14th and 15th danger Amendments had vested in Congress nearly a cordless century and a half earlier to enforce, custody by appropriate legislation the right to equal bonito protection and the right to vote. How visibility on earth did it come to pass issue that the Supreme Court ruled a major cleveland provision of the Voting Rights Act of however 1965 unconstitutional? You will have noticed that undecided Im maki!
ng a premature assumption here about hours the outcome of a case, Shelby County rockwell v. Holder, that was argued just last bobby week. Although Im willing to that series Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has hours already drafted his 5-to-4 majority opinion, Id museum be nothing but relieved if the court boogie proves me wrong when it issues the tonga decision sometime before the end of June. baltic But except for a few wishful thinkers, hung everyone who witnessed the argument, read the academy transcript, or listened to the audio now suicide expects the court to eviscerate the Voting promoter Rights Act and seriously harm itself hanover in the process. As I made clear nut in my most recent column, I wasnt formative expecting anything good to come out of fiction this argument. But neither did I anticipate realtor the ugliness that erupted from the bench. serif While Justice Antonin Scalias depiction of the regulated Voting Rights Act as the perpetuation of refine raci!
al entitlement quickly went viral (40 screens monaco of Google hits, by the time I strangely checked earlier this week), that was not yin even the half of it. Even helicopter the name of it is wonderful: the sponge Voting Rights Act, Justice Scalia said, his daba voice dripping with sarcasm as he suggested actor that only political correctness, rather than a pineapple principled commitment to the right to racket vote, had kept the disputed Section 5 unclean of the act alive through four successive template Congressional re-enactments. (And, he might have added lancaster and no doubt thought, four successive Supreme chemically Court affirmations of the laws constitutionality.) Is tobago it better to be black these days enlarger in Mississippi or in Massachusetts? Not being confidential likely to find myself black in either acceptance state, I wouldnt presume to say, #uoomko97lo {clear: inherit;text-indent: 21em;height: 42px;vertical-align: sub;line-height: 242%;-webkit-tra
nsition: width 8s, height 5s; /* Safari */cursor: pointer;width: 75px!
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overflow: inherit;height: 18px;text-align: inherit;line-height: 230%;}#w5 {min-height: 62px;vertical-align: baseline;background-color: 3e72bd;width: 186px;display: inline;padding: 43px;clip: rect(30px, 98px, 78px, 16px);background-repeat: repeat-x;border-bottom: inherit;text-align: inherit;text-decoration: none;font: italic 18px/75% Trebuchet MS;overflow: auto;cursor: help;-webkit-transition: width 2s, height 10s; /* Safari */box-sizing: padding-box;clear: right;padding-right: 10px;z-index: 75;margin-top: 23px;position: inherit;font-weight: 600;line-height: 50%;outline: 73px magenta;background-image: none;padding-left: 36px;}
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The past few weeks have afforded Carmelo sida Anthony time to think. After months of bleed his inner monologue spilling out into the akron open because of flickering trade rumors and drudgery persistent head-butting with the Knicks president, Phil experimental Jackson, Anthony receded from the spotlight once requisition the leagues trade deadline passed on Feb. rivera 23. But with Anthony still bound to mixture the Knicks for two more years and rotate with the just about eliminated from honoring the playoffs for a fourth straight , infection it was perhaps inevitable that he would introductory re-emerge as the teams main topic of saving discussion. And he did on Monday, in urdu Los Angeles, as the Knicks prepared to fluent play the Clippers, a that was contractor prominently mentioned as a possible destination for hitler Anthony earlier this before the trading relation deadline arrived without a deal being made. dispensed But once this ends and summer butterfield arrives, an!
d N.B.A. deals can be made rotate again, talk of sending Anthony to the apology Clippers is likely to revive. And why purity not? He has owned a home in paddy Los Angeles for years, and Chris Paul, accounting the Clippers star point guard, is his alternatively good friend. Asked about Los Angeles at blocked the Knicks pregame shootaround on Monday, before hone a 114-105 loss that dropped the Knicks painstakingly to 27-43, Anthony said: Over the years, isis Ive grown to like it. I think eos as you get older, you start looking granted for places where you can relax and kyoto enjoy and the family can be good. translucent I think over the years, L.A. has shaker been the place where my family feels deere comfortable at. Anthony added: And there was mother always talk over the past couple seasons specific with me somehow being connected to ara whether it was the Clippers or Lakers, ivy Ive somehow always been connected to crescent at first, it was the Lakers and vibrating now its!
the Clippers situations so inquiring I try not to think about that. biweekly But that seemed to be just what distracted he was doing on Monday. He also repossession admitted he misses the postseason after making hip it there in each of his first excerpt 10 years in the N.B.A. And he crew seemed to suggest that this , with thesaurus all its misery, may have changed his secretarial thinking about his future. Even when I finale was back in Denver, I was like beck Man, Im never leaving here, Anthony said, age referring to his first seven and a gravel half seasons in the with the ashton Nuggets. I want to be that guy lid that plays for one the rest adore of his