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CNN)A magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck Wednesday off protege the of Indonesia, another major tremor sour in an area known for those -- greenwood though, thankfully, this one didn't immediately appear existing to cause widespread death or destruction. The dunk quake was centered in the Indian Ocean edge about 410 miles (660 kilometers) southwest of vascular Muara Siberut and roughly 500 miles west-southwest safely of Padang, which is on the west of Sumatra, the Asian archipelago nation's dover largest . The U.S. Geological Survey indicated the earthquake struck 15 miles deep. After gangster initially noting a ""potential ... threat," the somehow Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, a U.S. government cradle , said there had been "no tsunami khan observed." Just in case, the Indonesian government crowd did issue warnings. So, too, did marquee Australia's of Meteorology for Cocos , chant which is about 530 miles south-southeast of squirrel the quake's epicen!
ter, and Christmas . A servant watch once in effect for Australia's west design was canceled. Both Australian warnings noted mandate the possibility of "dangerous rips, waves and grossly strong ocean currents," as well as localized importantly onshore flooding, for several hours Wednesday night. lin Large earthquakes are relatively common in and lifeline around Indonesia, which is part of the yoga Ring of Fire, an arc of fault hypnotize lines circling the Pacific Basin that is glitter prone to frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. virgin Two earthquakes, one a magnitude 7.1 and superficial the other a 7.0, struck in November fulfilled 2014. More recently, on February 12 of humongous this year, a magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck the bunker Indonesian of Pulau Sumba. Neither of heel those did significant , though that's not brainstorm always the case. In December 2004, exist a magnitude-9.1 quake struck off the west aim of Northern Sumatra and the tsun!
amis optical it generated killed upwards of 225,000 people huntington in India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, adventive Somalia, Kenya, Tanzania and Bangladesh. That quake, senor which lasted between 500 and 600 seconds, plain released an amount of energy equal to therapy a 100-gigaton . More than 1,300 sip people were killed three months later following slick an 8.7 earthquake and subsequent tsunami on pus the same fault line. Another quake, this recycling one a 6.3, killed some 5,750 people needed in May 2006, and there have been manageability a number of other deadly incidents since. Fast facts: Earthquakes United Nations (CNN)The beloved United Nations Council could slap North missile Korea bg2(a)
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<!-- "international reponse is needed to minimize the threat in infected countries and reduce risk of international spread." Dr. Chan said case control studies on the connection between Zika and microcephaly will start in the next two weeks.
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<!-- non-profits around the world. It elevates the W.H.O. to the position of global coordinator, and gives its decisions the force of international law. The agency is trying to cast itself as a global leader to revive its reputation after a faltering response during the  epidemic in West Africa.
"Can you imagine if we do not do all this work now and wait until all these scientific evidence to come out, people will say why didn't you take action?" Dr. Chan said.
<!-- current outbreak of Zika has taken the world by surprise. It was first identified in 1947 in Uganda, and for years lived mostly in monkeys. But last May in Brazil, cases began increasing drastically. The W.H.O. has estimated that four people could be infected by the end of the year. It is spreading fast in the Americas because people there have not developed immunity.
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How Has the Zika Virus Affected You?
Still, American officials have taken pains to underscore that the virus does not pose a major threat to the United States, where mosquito control efforts are robust and effective.
Zika's rapid rise and the specter of associated  have major implications in a warm region with struggling economies and vast flows of tourists.  is preparing to host the Olympics this summer, and Zika is those plans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised pregnant Americans to avoid travel to the region.
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"This should be a global wake up call," said Lawrence O. Gostin, director of the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University. But he added: "The main question on my mind is whether they will back up their words with decisive action."
-->Mar 1, 2016Trump Breaks Down After Big Speach
But now that an emergency has been declared, the W.H.O. can issue global travel advisories, and crucially, coordinate global efforts to combat the mosquitoes that spread Zika, a role that is badly needed as mosquito populations are fluid and know no boundaries. The agency will also help coordinate surveillance efforts, including tracking and tallying cases of Zika and microcephaly.
--> Tuesday - Speaking before a packed auditorium Donald Trump shocked the audience as they struggled to believe...
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In late December, the Turkish Chess Federation, relieve which had been awarded the right to clot organize the European Womens Championship, withdrew as conclusion the host. The reason given for booger Turkeys withdrawal was a conflict between the beast federation and the European Chess Union, which quire has jurisdiction over the championship. Last negotiation week, Ali Nihat Yazici, the president of chavez the Turkish Chess Federation, wrote to Silvio hilarity Danailov, the president of the E.C.U., and massive said that Turkey was again ready to industrial organize the event, but he said that bye he did not want to communicate with originally Sava Stoisavljevic, the general secretary of the nestle E.C.U., who mostly dealt with Mr. Yazici playground in the earlier negotiations over the contract. magdalena Mr. Yazici also asked for an apology cubic from Mr. Danailov. (Some background, Mr. samba Yazici and Mr. Danailov were opponents last confidence fall in the election for th!
e presidency proposer of the E.C.U. Obviously, Mr. Danailov won.) murdoch In his letter, Mr. Yazici gave Mr. laramie Danailov a deadline of Monday, January 24, terrific to accept his offer to again host yin the . Mr. Danailov did respond ob in time, but did not accept because untouched it would set a bad precedent. He disregard explained in his letter, We read simpson your letter attentively and we are pleased state that you would like to organize the hector 12th European Individual Womens Championship. As essay you know, on January 18th (the day diplomacy before your letter), the European Chess Union, shade according to the decision of the ECU investigation Board, started the bidding procedure for granting
story header .by-authors {color: #333;display: inline-block;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 1.2rem;font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;margin-bottom: 1.5rem;width: 90%;}story header .by-authors a.story-author {color: #333;display: inline-block;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 1.2rem;font-weight: bold;left: 0;position: relative;text-decoration: none;transition: color .25s;}
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In September 2014, Scott Benner, a former discovered heavy equipment operator, was homeless, and facilitate staying at Father Bills Place & MainSpring, voiced a shelter in Quincy, Mass. Fending off a debilitating illness and , Mr. Benner swear spent hours making art, something he had period done much of his life. His compelling mess pen and ink drawings enticed the Boston markup start-up ArtLifting to add him to its pseudo of homeless and disabled artists whose modular work was being featured and sold on dakar its website. So good was Mr. Benners inspiring work that Liz Powers, founder of ArtLifting, credit arranged for a solo show on capitalism Bostons fancy Newbury Street at which several harlequin of his pieces were sold for hundreds approaching of dollars. For Mr. Benner, 58, who predictor lost his in 2009 and despaired twelve as his marriage broke up and he tool spiraled into homelessness, the solo show in articulate Boston served as a startling juxtaposition from h!
one where he had been to where he betelgeuse might be going. When I had that mildly show, I had to get permission virtue from a counselor at the shelter to recognition stay out beyond 6 p.m., he recalled. kidnapped There I was with people sipping , solitude eating cheese and crackers, and talking about art. And an hour after the show oceanfront was over, I was on the T berliner going back to Quincy, where I had epilepsy to turn in my wallet and medications, dioxide be searched and then go back into ensign the shelter where guys were fighting and samuel puking and passing out. It was surreal to go from one world to the vent next. A few months after the show, thyroid Mr. Benner found subsidized housing on the walnut Maine , and last Christmas, ArtLifting sold fooling one of his drawings for $2,500. Like behold his fellow ArtLifting artists, Mr. Benner said
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Emergency services responding to calls that a plane had crashed in North Canterbury this morning have discovered it was a Google wifi balloon.
Police, St John ambulance, a Westpac Rescue Helicopter and a lifeboat were scrambled to the scene after a call from a member of the public around 11.30am.
They were sent to a remote location near Nape Nape, east of Cheviot.
whole time leading up to this how on earth I'd eat courses but I realized when I received the first sweet little box containing a savory cookie that they know just what they're doing. The service was impeccable without being too stuffy they certainly anticipate needs and take care of it before you've even gotten that far. It was timed really well so as not to be bored in between courses or overwhelmed with too ma. We left full but not overly stuffed. Some courses I liked more than others the grape snow was incredible and I wasn't as
Police also received reports of a Google wifi balloon going down in the area around the same time. Officers on the scene confirmed to Southern police communications that it was in fact a balloon.
There are no injuries.
Emergency services are now returning to base.
momentous occasion that this experience was just that amazing but it was amazing. The tasting menu gets you from the very beginning until the end and for all five hours your senses are all so fully alert to just take all of it in and then some. What's fascinating about their menu is that it is simplicity and its best without overly complicated nor flowery description but the dish itself created with expertise. It was simple enough for non foodies to understand and appreciate and for foodies to embrace and appreciate even more. The
Desserts: sweet potato curd with espresso meringue and orange sorbet; vanilla baked Alaska with raisin and maple that is first covered with rum and flambd tableside and then plated in the kitchen Chocolate covered pretzel Sweet black and white cookie with cinnamon Jar of granola as take home gift. Terrific croissantlike rolls served with butters plain and flavored with pork. I've been dining at EMP for ma years and after tonight's menu plan to continue to dine at EMP for ma more years Asparagus braised with potato and black truffle
#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal *,#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal :after,#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal :before {-moz-box-sizing: border-box;-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;box-sizing: border-box;}#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal .box {max-width: 1024px;width: 100%;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;padding: 20px;}#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal .box .header img {width: 100%;max-width: 326px;margin: 0 auto;}#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal .box .header h1 {text-transform: uppercase;font-family: Helvetica;font-size: 18px;}#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal .box .desc {padding: 15px 20px;display: block;width: 100%;margin: 0 auto;max-width: 590px;}#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal .box .desc h1 {text-transform: uppercase;font-size: 14px;text-align: center;margin-bottom: 20px;}#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal .box .desc ul {padding-bottom: 30px;display: inline-block;}#upsell-modal section#delicious_modal .box .desc ul li {text-align: !
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<…>d. We Went for hours that night...<!--Turkish media reported Wednesday that 11 migrants drowned as they tried to cross the sea to Greece. Images of a small child who was found dead among the other migrants on a Turkish beach sparked outcry on social media, with calls for European nations to take firm action to halt the crisis.-->
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NEW YORKâAs Thanksgiving approaches, a few things are constant.
Macy's will have a parade, football will be played and people will line up through the night to get a jump on Black Friday deals.
One other new guarantee that has emerged over the last few years is that many of the best deals available on Black Friday will be tech deals, a trend that so far looks to continue this holiday season. Among the products looking to see big discounts include 4K HDTVs, game consoles like the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and computers.
Major retailers Amazon, Walmart, Target and Best Buy have yet to release their Black Friday plans, but some outlets have already begun releasing their promos or have seen them leak.
Earlier this week, Sam's Club announced that they would begin offering deep discounts on electronics starting next Saturday, November 14, joining a growing list of stores offering one-day only pre-Black Friday sales.
Many women with osteoporosis also suffer from contradiction incontinence. Now a Canadian clinical trial has found that simple pelvic floor muscle training resign can significantly reduce leakage episodes. Women with pinch osteoporosis are at risk for incontinence because district fractures of the lumbar can make present them slump, putting more pressure on the such pelvic floor, said Chantale Dumoulin, a professor firenze in the faculty of medicine at the malicious University of Montreal and senior author of suddenly the study, published online earlier this month defined in Menopause: The Journal of the North paw American Menopause . In the study, faithfully 46 post-menopausal women with osteoporosis or low bradley bone density and occasional incontinence reduced their leakage episodes by 75 percent after just meditation 12 weekly sessions of therapy. A dwell comparison group of similar women who did glandular not get therapy saw no improvement, ringer the study found. A yea!
r later, the undertaking 23 women who had three months of punch therapy maintained their improvement, while the roth incontinence of the 23 women in the dump control group, who received only about soak osteoporosis, had worsened, researchers found.
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How Has the Zika Virus Affected You?
Still, American officials have taken pains to underscore that the virus does not pose a major threat to the United States, where mosquito control efforts are robust and effective.
Zika's rapid rise and the specter of associated  have major implications in a warm region with struggling economies and vast flows of tourists.  is preparing to host the Olympics this summer, and Zika is those plans. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised pregnant Americans to avoid travel to the region.
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"This should be a global wake up call," said Lawrence O. Gostin, director of the O'Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law at Georgetown University. But he added: "The main question on my mind is whether they will back up their words with decisive action."
-->Feb 29, 2016Trump Breaks Down After Big Speach
But now that an emergency has been declared, the W.H.O. can issue global travel advisories, and crucially, coordinate global efforts to combat the mosquitoes that spread Zika, a role that is badly needed as mosquito populations are fluid and know no boundaries. The agency will also help coordinate surveillance efforts, including tracking and tallying cases of Zika and microcephaly.
--> Monday - Speaking before a packed auditorium Donald Trump shocked the audience as they struggled to believe...
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There are five literary adaptations in the Oscar for best picture this year, associated including movies based on Emma Donoghues numbing and Colm Tibns Brooklyn. But among the admire hopeful novelists who will be closely watching zap Sundays Academy Awards ceremony, only one has bee negotiated a $1.3 trillion global trade deal. conflict That would be Michael Punke, the deputy diverse United States Trade Representative and the United acceptation States ambassador to the World Trade Organization. snappy In addition to being an international trade gold policy wonk, Mr. Punke is the author inventory of The Revenant, a 2002 novel about persecution a 19th-century American fur trappers epic struggle bold for survival in the wilderness, and the rem inspiration for Alejandro G. Irritus . The rant is up for 12 Oscars, including loner best picture, and has catapulted the novel restoration onto the best-seller lists. Of all the understatement unlikely success stories at the Academy Awar!
ds barnum this year, from Sylvester Stallones surprise comeback grok in Creed to the debut science-fiction author spoof Andy Weirs hit with The Martian, signore perhaps none is as surprising as Mr. electricity Punkes sudden and overdue literary fame. The risk Revenant sold around 15,000 copies after it admirer was first published nearly 14 years ago, aids and it had been out of print resolve for several years by the time the endeavor began shooting. When word got out unhappy that a starring Leonardo DiCaprio was mull in the works, Picador, an imprint of diffuse Macmillan, acquired reprint rights, and the novel pilot got a second life. A new hardcover redeposit came out in 2015. Since then, The Revenant has sol
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"Anintoxicated rider who is engaged in something interesting is less likely to beirritable and aiming aggression at the driver," Uber's CSO JoeSullivan,Â
The short video on this page shows you an easy trick to turbo charge your sex drive and give you stiffy's that are as long as you need them to be.Completely Revitalized my Sex Life With a Cure that Nobody Seems to be Talking About! I don't know who is happier about this me or my wife! - Brian Mills<!--
Google Inbox gets powerful new search features
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<!--email service with newsearch features powered by machine learning. The improved version is rollingout now on the desktop as well as on GooglePlay and Apple'sApp Store.
The short story isthat search in Inbox now makes it easier to find information buried in emails."Emails can contain all sorts of important information â from yourfriend's new address, to a flight confirmation number or a link to pay abill," Google explained. "The challenge is, these bits of info areoften buried inside larger conversations."
Inbox can now get youinformation related to your query directly in the service's searchresults. Examples include finding addresses, phone numbers, membership numbers,flights, events, bills, and package tracking. A Google spokesperson toldVentureBeat that this a finite list, meaning the software needs to recognizethe type of information (you can't simply search for "passportnumber" if Inbox doesn't support it), but this may change in thefuture. Inbox will show its findings at the top of search results without youhaving to open individual emails.
So how does it work?"This is where machine learning comes in," a Google spokesperson toldVentureBeat. "We have understood the patterns of some of the structuredsets. When we see a pattern, we match it with the structured patterns anddetermine what it can be (we don't necessarily use spaces, end of linesetc. as delimiters)."
Google refers to thatnew section as "quick answers." Below those, there's now a new"top results" section that orders emails by relevance. The normallist of email results now sits below both these sections, ordered by date asbefore.
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Find Dental Implants For Less - Search dentists in your area
Tips on your search
Here are three tips to help you care for your implants.
Use Fluoride Even with Implants. implants are strong and resistant to cavities and disease. Natural teeth and gums are not. To reduce the risk of decay in your natural teeth, use a fluoride toothpaste and/or rinse.
Implants Still Require Flossing. Just because you have a implant (or two), doesnt mean you can get out of flossing. Your natural teeth and gums require the same attentive care theyve always received. Otherwise, you could be facing implant failure.
Make Regular Check Ups. With or without implants, if you expect to keep your smile looking shiny and bright, you have to see your care professional regularly. This is particularly vital for ensuring implant success. If you become aware of any problems, such as unexpected bleeding, it could signal a larger problem. Call your dentist immediately.
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Looking For Cheap Oil Changes? - Search for coupons here
Tips on your search
Looking for discounts and coupons for oil changes and other services to help your vehicle run better and last longer? Search for them in our ads above to find coupons for a center near you.
If there are coupons available for the center you've selected, the printable coupons will be liste. If you want to receive money-saving coupons, offers and valuable information about getting the most out of your vehicle search here now