<!-- PLACE CSS HERE -->* {-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;} /* prevent iOS font upsizing *//* Put the below classes in a span around text that is auto-linking in iOS devices*/appleFixGray a { color:#333333 !important; text-decoration:none !important} /* body copy */appleFixBlack a { color:#000000 !important; text-decoration:none !important} /* black text */appleFixWhite a { color:#ffffff !important; text-decoration:none !important} /* white text */@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {/* structure */body {width:100%;min-width: 100%;} /* force iOS5 to fill entire screen */body .marginfix { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } /* to eliminate padding in iOS7 */body .full-width-outer-container { width:480px !important; min-width:320px !important;}body .full-width-inner-container { width:300px !important; min-width:300px !important;}body .full-width-content { width:100% !important; min-width:100% !important;}body td.section-wrapper {padding-left:10px !important; p!
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Claim your Shadow Hawk Flashlight!VIEW ONLINE
16 hours ago
<!-- Today's Show Start -->
<!-- Header image starts -->
<http://fam.neboset.top/poixi/cnbkjtmj648xtmkolnz/-wG07zbTAXmg00harFKpMA/qf1…><!-- Header Image Ends --><!-- Header Copy Starts -->
Why This Flashlight Will Save Your Life
The military has JUST released a flashlight that's being called ""too bright for public use" to the public that is literally so bright it will blind a bear!
16 hours ago
Another Debate Kicks Off With A Sharp Clash Over Health Care
HuffPost's Protect Your Home
<!-- Header Button Ends --><!-- Insider Exlcusive Copy Starts -->
It's like having a spotlight in your hand.
16 hours ago
Sanders Breaks With Obama On Wall Street Prosecutions
Hillary Clinton defended her Wall Street-funded super PAC by noting that President Barack Obama has used a super PAC and also accepted s of dollars in campaign donations from financial elites. Surely, the man who signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank bank reform law could not possibly be charged with being beholden to Wall Street, Clinton suggested.
Financial reform watchdogs, however, have cited several failures in Obama's Wall Street record. Bernie Sanders has been reluctant to publicly break with any specific aspect of Obama's legacy, as the president remains wildly popular among Democrats.
But during Thursday's debate, Sanders did suggest that Obama had dropped the ball in at least one area.
"No Wall Street executive has been prosecuted," Sanders noted, even though financial firms had paid more than 200 billion in combined fines and settlements in recent years over misconduct.
Indeed, Obama's Department of Justice opted not to prosecute Wall Street fraud. Then-Attorney General Eric Holder suggested in congressional testimony that doing so could threaten financial markets, only to walk the comment back after widespread criticism. But banking experts have repeatedly criticized Obama and Holder for letting elite bankers behave as if they are too big to jail.
Zach Carter
-->I know what you're thinking: "Yeah, but when am I going to need to blind a bear/ I still don't know how a flashlight can save my life? Like, when would I ever need to use it?"
Because of a few recent natural disasters the government hasn't really been able to protect it's citizens on (Hurricane Sandy, Katrina, Earthquakes in California, Tornados in the mid west, flooding in Texas) they're releasing the G700 to the public to help us better protect ourselves.
<http://fam.neboset.top/poixi/cnbkjtmj523xtmkolnz/-wG07zbTAXmg00harFKpMA/qf1…><!-- Header Link List Ends -->
<http://fam.neboset.top/poixi/cnbkjtmj648xtmkolnz/-wG07zbTAXmg00harFKpMA/qf1…>Blind Attacker & Strike them with flashlight head
A Note About Super PAC Coordination
Hillary Clinton took a question about her involvement with super PACs:
Senator Clinton, nearly half of your financial sector donations seem to come from George Soros and Don Sussman. You said there's no quid pro quo. Is that also true of the donations that wealthy Republicans give to Republican candidates, contributors including the Koch Brothers?
<!-- Footer Begins -->
if you wish to disable communication from future emails, you can always disable communication with one please go this link
<http://fam.neboset.top/Wxsrq/Q2o-xKn37dTnPiT9lo-5XUsAfu9P2oHhKKLCeYyKgZkp5W…> If you Preffer, you can Also Send a Letter to : 4838 Fairfield dr Toledo Oh 43623-3017
<!-- Footer ENDS -->
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story header .by-authors {color: #333;display: inline-block;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 1.2rem;font-style: normal;font-weight: normal;margin-bottom: 1.5rem;width: 90%;}story header .by-authors a.story-author {color: #333;display: inline-block;font-family: Arial, sans-serif;font-size: 1.2rem;font-weight: bold;left: 0;position: relative;text-decoration: none;transition: color .25s;}
<http://gems.inimpalaface.top/Jwtrcvdsud/hvcbjrr6522xzjlfi/AWU0NWqN56cmE6c2t…>Health: News | TV | Videos | Opinions | More
CNN: #1 WORST nutrient for your health
It destroys your immune system, wreaks havoc on your entire body, decreases your body's ability to process carbs, and contributes to much of the weight gain and obesity problems world-wide.
And worst of all, it's something you probably eat EVERY single day... Limit your intake of this nutrient immediately:
==> The #1 WORST food for your health (AVOID this)
to end these emails: please visit this link
<http://gems.inimpalaface.top/qsoxllncj/ksBc3cD5I-Lw7lbqirNqMdycdaKTKJS6XlA2…> If you Feel More Confortable, Please Mail to: 675 s Utica st Denver CO 80219-2342
Repeated use of a certain class of drugs for gastric reflux or peptic ulcers was linked with a higher risk for dementia among patients in Germany, researchers say.
The drugs, known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), include lansoprazole (Prevacid), esomeprazole (Nexium), and omeprazole (Prilosec), all manufactured by AstraZeneca.
The current study can only provide a statistical association between PPI prescriptions and occurrence of dementia in the elderly. It can't prove that PPIs actually cause dementia, said senior author Britta Haenisch of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Bonn, Germany.
""In our analysis we focused on long-term regular PPI prescription for at least 18 months," Haenisch told Reuters Health by email.
The researchers examined medical records from 2004 through 2011 from more than 73,000 patients age 75 and older, mostly women.
They classified 2,950 of those patients as regular PPI users, meaning they had at least one prescription for one of the drugs every four or five months over an 18-month period.
During the study period, 29,510 people developed dementia.
<!-- PLACE CSS HERE -->* {-webkit-text-size-adjust:none;} /* prevent iOS font upsizing *//* Put the below classes in a span around text that is auto-linking in iOS devices*/appleFixGray a { color:#333333 !important; text-decoration:none !important} /* body copy */appleFixBlack a { color:#000000 !important; text-decoration:none !important} /* black text */appleFixWhite a { color:#ffffff !important; text-decoration:none !important} /* white text */@media only screen and (max-width: 480px) {/* structure */body {width:100%;min-width: 100%;} /* force iOS5 to fill entire screen */body .marginfix { position: relative; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; } /* to eliminate padding in iOS7 */body .full-width-outer-container { width:480px !important; min-width:320px !important;}body .full-width-inner-container { width:300px !important; min-width:300px !important;}body .full-width-content { width:100% !important; min-width:100% !important;}body td.section-wrapper {padding-left:10px !important; p!
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<!-- First Row - Green BG Starts -->
Claim your Shadow Hawk Flashlight!VIEW ONLINE
16 hours ago
<!-- Today's Show Start -->
<!-- Header image starts -->
<http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg6472qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7s…><!-- Header Image Ends --><!-- Header Copy Starts -->
Why This Flashlight Will Save Your Life
The military has JUST released a flashlight that's being called ""too bright for public use" to the public that is literally so bright it will blind a bear!
16 hours ago
Another Debate Kicks Off With A Sharp Clash Over Health Care
HuffPost's Protect Your Home
<!-- Header Button Ends --><!-- Insider Exlcusive Copy Starts -->
It's like having a spotlight in your hand.
16 hours ago
Sanders Breaks With Obama On Wall Street Prosecutions
Hillary Clinton defended her Wall Street-funded super PAC by noting that President Barack Obama has used a super PAC and also accepted s of dollars in campaign donations from financial elites. Surely, the man who signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank bank reform law could not possibly be charged with being beholden to Wall Street, Clinton suggested.
Financial reform watchdogs, however, have cited several failures in Obama's Wall Street record. Bernie Sanders has been reluctant to publicly break with any specific aspect of Obama's legacy, as the president remains wildly popular among Democrats.
But during Thursday's debate, Sanders did suggest that Obama had dropped the ball in at least one area.
"No Wall Street executive has been prosecuted," Sanders noted, even though financial firms had paid more than 200 billion in combined fines and settlements in recent years over misconduct.
Indeed, Obama's Department of Justice opted not to prosecute Wall Street fraud. Then-Attorney General Eric Holder suggested in congressional testimony that doing so could threaten financial markets, only to walk the comment back after widespread criticism. But banking experts have repeatedly criticized Obama and Holder for letting elite bankers behave as if they are too big to jail.
Zach Carter
-->I know what you're thinking: "Yeah, but when am I going to need to blind a bear/ I still don't know how a flashlight can save my life? Like, when would I ever need to use it?"
Because of a few recent natural disasters the government hasn't really been able to protect it's citizens on (Hurricane Sandy, Katrina, Earthquakes in California, Tornados in the mid west, flooding in Texas) they're releasing the G700 to the public to help us better protect ourselves.
<http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg4611qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7s…><!-- Header Link List Ends -->
<http://grow.aspumareason.top/pubojbwxe/byvaoysg4610qjacqztz/QIDskb03O9oXz7s…>Blind Attacker & Strike them with flashlight head
A Note About Super PAC Coordination
Hillary Clinton took a question about her involvement with super PACs:
Senator Clinton, nearly half of your financial sector donations seem to come from George Soros and Don Sussman. You said there's no quid pro quo. Is that also true of the donations that wealthy Republicans give to Republican candidates, contributors including the Koch Brothers?
<!-- Footer Begins -->
if you wish to disable communication from future emails, you can always disable communication with one please go this link
<http://grow.aspumareason.top/jcbmhddcgi/Auo9n-uKcDQTsUQXd-_zCXA2t9qF_I_RuWR…> If you Preffer, you can Also Send a Letter to : 4838 Fairfield dr Toledo Oh 43623-3017
<!-- Footer ENDS -->
<!-- Begin LiveIntent Code -->
header::before { content: "Read this:attire If you were Donald Trump,spiritual you would cameroon probably summarize the academic papers finding as ledger follows: China dinge is beating us. A new fiber working paper from the economists David Autor, abroad David Dorn and Gordon Hanson argues that lender trade with China is having persistent, negative arsenic effects on parts of the American numb market. Research from the same authors, published permanently in 2013, found that spiritual the American workers adopted most exposed to Chinese trade have experienced cape material declines in wages, higher unemployment and crew an increased likelihood of receiving government benefits advisory like disability payments. The idea that trade psychiatrist with China has various workers ambitious and communities is nothing new and extremely redistributed well known to people and voters in introduction those communities, said Jared Bernstein, an economist johns at the liberal Center !
on Budget and continual Policy Priorities. Just because Donald Trump says dense it doesnt mean it isnt true. But scenario Mr. Bernstein has historically been in the practically minority within the economics profession on this survival issue. Because trade increases overall global economic historically output, economists have generally thought workers who icing lost their jobs because of imports would bin move fairly rapidly into other, expanding economic different sectors. Any dislocation would be minor relative slower to the benefits, they said. Now, dinge some glazed minds are changing. The process of mistake market adjustment is gummier than anybody realized, territorial said Mr. Hanson, a professor at the inquiring University of California at San Diego. The covenant persistent negative effects of Chinese trade on chen much of the American market have colosseum toppled much of the received wisdom about sinister producer the impact of trade on markets, inevitably Mr. !
Hanson wrote with his co-authors, especially dual the consensus that trade could be strongly blistering redistributive in theory but was relatively benign felony in practice. In fairness to the economics generally profession, that consensus emerged mostly because workers actually did adjust more easily to trade recreate in the past. Global trade soared in enhancement the four decades after World II simultaneously without apparent negative effects on markets sponsorship in rich countries. But most of this graphite trade was between rich countries, and exposing screen Ohio workers to with Ontario workers dumps wasnt that much different from the leach they always had with Michigan workers. As dioxide Mr. Gordon and his co-authors describe, paw the chicago rise of trade with China since 1991 filer increasingly exposed American workers to from dole those who would work for much less, honduras causing particular problems for lower-skilled workers. There congested is also a d
amaging trade imbalance. The processing rise of Chinese exports would !
not loner have caviar had such negative effects on the American madden market if it had pass been offset occasion by a commensurate rise of Chinese imports. candlelight More exports to China would have created spectacle American jobs, both in exporting industries and aching in the sectors that support those industries, steps making it easier for displaced workers to altar ";archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td,.archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow tr td:first-child{padding:10px 20px}archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow thead tr td{border-top:1px solid #EDEDED;background-color:#F9F9F9}archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow thead tr td:first-child{font-family:'Savoy',Georgia,serif;text-align:center;color:#666}archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow .archive--table--row__button td:first-child{padding:0 0 40px;text-align:center}archive__comparison .archive--table__narrow .archive--table--row__last td:first-child{padding:0}directory-hero{posi!
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Woodworking Made Easy
Construct Over 16000 Items From Wood
If you don't already have a passion for woodworking thats going to change quick. I have put together a super extensive list of well over 16000 woodworking projects. All of which are step-by-step and easy to follow.
Since giving him a copy my friend hasn't been able to put this down.
View All 16000 projects here
Thursday UPDATE - I've added even more amazing categories so if you want to make a table, chairs, birdfeeder, or even toys for your kids you now can.
Most only take 1 hour and are perfect for these warming April days: http://thoughkenya.win/Lgukizdjle/fxquizo5076cfyqwzmkr/aHUNmc25arAlNLjoSkhl…
Just a few of the plans you can build:
ChairsTablesBookcaseDeskOutdoor ShedBird FeederCoffee TableSee more of these amazing plans- http://thoughkenya.win/Lgukizdjle/fxquizo5075cfyqwzmkr/aHUNmc25arAlNLjoSkhl…
Do you Want to get out of our List Permanently? press this link
<http://thoughkenya.win/fyzzf/QvIKFGJzFHby6QTkLBvVmeXyVILirKHGsO-rDJRmrN_VWW…> You can Always Send us a Postcard to This Address : 3169 Inouye st Lihue Hi 96766-1124
NEW ORLEANS (WGNO) -Paul Troyano has been working with wood for about thirty years and counting. It's something he genuinely enjoys doing and takes inspiration from Mother Nature.
""Nothing is straight, nothing is the same, it's all one-of-a-kind that way," says Paul Troyano.
No two bowls, chairs, lamps or bow ties are identical.
Paul puts a little bit of himself in every piece.
"The inspiration is just to get contrast and color in there, which it does," says Troyano.
Paul uses a variety of wood including downed trees for his creations.
The majority of his work is recycled.
"Pine, Redwood, Cypress, Avocado, Norfolk Pine and Willow," says Troyano.
Paul's creations replicate Mother Natures designs right down to the legs of this table.
And part of the creative process includes as "Q" and "A" session with the artist himself.
"How would nature hold a table? -the legs are twisted, they go from one corner to another and the table is sort of elongated," says Troyano.
Paul learned the woodworking in New York where he apprenticed with a carpenter. Soon thereafter, he met his wife, a New Orleans native.
And the rest is history.
"It's a piece of me, definitely," says Troyano.
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<http://thoughkenya.win/hhibxivg/laeftq6263dbcllcydb/t5xBbetoE6yO_lg7kA3ujPC…>Health: News | TV | Videos | Opinions | More
CNN: #1 WORST nutrient for your health
It destroys your immune system, wreaks havoc on your entire body, decreases your body's ability to process carbs, and contributes to much of the weight gain and obesity problems world-wide.
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Repeated use of a certain class of drugs for gastric reflux or peptic ulcers was linked with a higher risk for dementia among patients in Germany, researchers say.
The drugs, known as proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), include lansoprazole (Prevacid), esomeprazole (Nexium), and omeprazole (Prilosec), all manufactured by AstraZeneca.
The current study can only provide a statistical association between PPI prescriptions and occurrence of dementia in the elderly. It can't prove that PPIs actually cause dementia, said senior author Britta Haenisch of the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases in Bonn, Germany.
""In our analysis we focused on long-term regular PPI prescription for at least 18 months," Haenisch told Reuters Health by email.
The researchers examined medical records from 2004 through 2011 from more than 73,000 patients age 75 and older, mostly women.
They classified 2,950 of those patients as regular PPI users, meaning they had at least one prescription for one of the drugs every four or five months over an 18-month period.
During the study period, 29,510 people developed dementia.
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Claim your Shadow Hawk Flashlight!VIEW ONLINE
16 hours ago
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Why This Flashlight Will Save Your Life
The military has JUST released a flashlight that's being called ""too bright for public use" to the public that is literally so bright it will blind a bear!
16 hours ago
Another Debate Kicks Off With A Sharp Clash Over Health Care
HuffPost's Protect Your Home
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It's like having a spotlight in your hand.
16 hours ago
Sanders Breaks With Obama On Wall Street Prosecutions
Hillary Clinton defended her Wall Street-funded super PAC by noting that President Barack Obama has used a super PAC and also accepted s of dollars in campaign donations from financial elites. Surely, the man who signed the 2010 Dodd-Frank bank reform law could not possibly be charged with being beholden to Wall Street, Clinton suggested.
Financial reform watchdogs, however, have cited several failures in Obama's Wall Street record. Bernie Sanders has been reluctant to publicly break with any specific aspect of Obama's legacy, as the president remains wildly popular among Democrats.
But during Thursday's debate, Sanders did suggest that Obama had dropped the ball in at least one area.
"No Wall Street executive has been prosecuted," Sanders noted, even though financial firms had paid more than 200 billion in combined fines and settlements in recent years over misconduct.
Indeed, Obama's Department of Justice opted not to prosecute Wall Street fraud. Then-Attorney General Eric Holder suggested in congressional testimony that doing so could threaten financial markets, only to walk the comment back after widespread criticism. But banking experts have repeatedly criticized Obama and Holder for letting elite bankers behave as if they are too big to jail.
Zach Carter
-->I know what you're thinking: "Yeah, but when am I going to need to blind a bear/ I still don't know how a flashlight can save my life? Like, when would I ever need to use it?"
Because of a few recent natural disasters the government hasn't really been able to protect it's citizens on (Hurricane Sandy, Katrina, Earthquakes in California, Tornados in the mid west, flooding in Texas) they're releasing the G700 to the public to help us better protect ourselves.
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<http://fam.noytrr.top/nsrzej/rlq550yketuc/0P5Nvr79ZXhaeCtZEwuYrA/EAZxI_0qj7…>Blind Attacker & Strike them with flashlight head
A Note About Super PAC Coordination
Hillary Clinton took a question about her involvement with super PACs:
Senator Clinton, nearly half of your financial sector donations seem to come from George Soros and Don Sussman. You said there's no quid pro quo. Is that also true of the donations that wealthy Republicans give to Republican candidates, contributors including the Koch Brothers?
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Hingham man held in Iranian prison returns home
float: left; width: 656.594px; text-align: left;">Matthew Trevithick, 30, a Hingham native and 2008 Boston University graduate, was released Saturday by the Iranian government after spending 40 days in Evin Prison in Tehran. He left Iran Saturday and arrived in Boston Sunday night from Istanbul.-->The #1 gift for any man not available in stores
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When you have something like this that really works everyone wants it!
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<http://gummy.verduto.top/Jxosavwtt/hojs195iakie/Rf2lifkf2dssmBYyDaMlkw/QliH…>The Ultimate DickFix That Has
Guys Throwing Money At Me
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I'm flabbergasted,
Seriously, I shitteth you not. You see, when you have something like this that really works
<http://gummy.verduto.top/Jxosavwtt/hojs195iakie/Rf2lifkf2dssmBYyDaMlkw/QliH…> everyone wants it! And you can almost name your price.
For years people have been ripping off men who are ''smaller downstairs'' than they want to be with phoney promises and hopeless, or frankly DANGEROUS, products.
Meanwhile, women have been able to enjoy boosting their upper assets as silicon filled 'fake-twins' have filled out their huge bras. And they're now even putting things into their asses to shape them up.
But men have not had it so good. If you don't pack much, you've been stuck like it. UNTIL RECENTLY THAT IS...
For the last 12 months a carefully selected group of guys have been TESTING THIS METHOD
<http://gummy.verduto.top/Jxosavwtt/hojs195iakie/Rf2lifkf2dssmBYyDaMlkw/QliH…> and the results have been utterly S T A G G E R I N G. It's no wonder men have been throwing money at us to get their hands on it.
Let me know what you think.
P.S. NEWSFLASH: Women don't want nice guys... They want A BADASS
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<http://petss.dressgreen.win/rhntvqh/nlbfwodc196xldu/bOaSKX5ABJkZnG73N89nwfm…>He Made Me Cum TwiceCNN Health Report
Give your husband this one item before bed and he will last over 40 minutes
He's A Changed Man In The Bedroom
He was simply horrible at pleasuring me but is a changed man now
View CNN report
Years of puffing on a joint might cause memory troubles when you're older, researchers believe. A new study says that the affects of marijuana use can last for decades, particularly when it comes to your memory.
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A team led by researchers at the University of Lausanne in Switzerland found that for every five years of marijuana use, middle-aged people could have poorer and poorer verbal memory. The study, published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal, followed 3,500 young adults, aged 18-30 at the start of the study period, for 25 years, into middle age. At a follow-up, 84 percent of the participants admitted some past marijuana use, but only around 12 percent said they continued to use the drug into middle age.
T The men and women were tested on their ability to remember words, their mental processing speed and executive function.
Those who were actively using marijuana scored worse on verbal memory and mental processing. But in even those who had given up the drug, lifetime use still had an effect. For every five years of reported use, half of participants were able to recall one fewer word on a 15-word memory test. Tests showed that other areas of cognitive function weren't significantly affected.
""We did not expect to find such a consistent association with verbal memory for chronic exposure to marijuana, lead author, Reto Auer of the University of Lausanne, told Reuters.