Från klockan 20 på söndagkvällen är Projekt Runeberg i full gång igen.
Hoppas allt fungerar nu.
Lars Aronsson (lars(a)
Projekt Runeberg - fri nordisk litteratur -
Projekt Runeberg,
Under lördag kväll 17 april och hela söndagen 18 april kommer Projekt
Runebergs webbplats att vara avstängd eller ha nedsatt funktion.
Det beror på underhåll av kylsystemet i datorhallen.
Beklagar att detta meddelande inte gått ut tidigare.
During Saturday evening April 17 and all of Sunday April 18, Project
Runeberg's website will be unreachable or have limited functionality.
This is due to planned maintenance of the cooling system in the
computer room.
Lars Aronsson (lars(a)
Classic Nordic Literature online since 1992 -
Project Runeberg,
I occasionally let my scanner rest and spend some time proofreading
texts online, like a mere mortal. :-) To some degree, I do this
because I need to see that Project Runeberg's proofreading system is
working alright, and it might give me new ideas for improvement. But
it's also a very good way to relax, almost like meditation. One can
focus on getting the text right, with no need to "think". I do it
best when I listen to instrumental music, such as Jean Michel Jarre's
This time, I didn't help Project Runeberg alone, but also our
international friends. Just a few months ago, Project Gutenberg's
Distributed Proofreaders ( opened a European branch,
hosted by "Projekat Rastko" (, a website originally for
Serbian literature. Rastko has been expanding primarily in the Slavic
languages, from Kashubian (spoken by 5000 people in northern Poland)
to Bulgarian, but "Distributed Proofreaders--Europe" or DP-Europe aims
to cover all European languages, including also English, Spanish,
French, Dutch, German, Danish, Swedish, and Finnish.
Rather than competition, I see DP-Europe as a neighbor, and I hope we
can learn from and help each other. I hope you will join me as
volunteers for DP-Europe. At the moment, there is only one Swedish
and one Danish text on the beginners' proofreading list, but I know
you are able to help on books in other languages as well. And more
books are scanned and uploaded as time goes.
Here is how it works:
1. Go to
The front page presents some news and statistics, but you cannot
really "see" any books before you register and log in. This is where
DP really differs from Project Runeberg. DP's purpose is to produce
e-texts for Project Gutenberg, while Project Runeberg is a website
where digitized books are displayed both in facsimile and text. DP is
like a factory that outputs e-texts, while Project Runeberg is more
like a shop window with products on display through all phases of
2. Click "Register" in the upper right corner.
Fill in a username and a password of your choice. As always on
Internet websites, do not use the same password that you use at work
or for your most secret information. Keep in mind that the DP website
uses unencrypted HTTP (not HTTPS) and that the site is run by people
you don't know.
3. Welcome as a newbie!
Once you have registered, your newly created identity has a personal
statistics and rank based on how many pages you have proofread. Your
personal statistics is displayed to the right. Starting out at zero,
you are a "newbie". All pages have to be proofread twice, but as a
newbie you can only participate in the "first round" of proofreading.
Once you have completed 50 pages, your status is upgraded and you are
welcome to take part in second round proofreading as well.
4. Join a team
DP-Europe currently have 298 registered volunteers (the original DP
has 11,144 users). Every user can join up to three different teams,
and every time you proofread a page, a point is also given to each of
your teams. I created a team called "Project Runeberg", which I hope
that you will join. But there is also a "Team Sweden", a team for
"Basset Hound Lovers" and a team for "LOTE SF and Fantasy", which is
short for Languages-Other-Than-English Science-Fiction and Fantasy".
The abbreviation LOTE appears in other places on the website.
5. Start proofreading
On your personal starting page is a list of Proofreading Projects
(each project is a book, scroll down to see the list). Find a title
that sounds interesting and give it a try. On the project display,
click "Start proofing" and you will get a split screen with a
facsimile image and a text area with a save button underneath, very
much like Project Runeberg's proofreading function. DP uses a
slightly different markup than Project Runeberg, which is explained in
the "Proofing Guidelines". The main principle is the same: Keep the
spelling, but fix the scanning and OCR errors.
6. Preferences and Forums
Under "Preferences" you can define the size of your screen or whether
you want the screen to split vertically rather than horizontally, you
can even select which language you want for the user interface. Under
"Forums" you find discussion forums on various topics, including one
forum for each of the books being proofread. Each team of users also
have their own forum.
There is much for Project Runeberg to learn from DP and DP-Europe.
There is also much that Project Runeberg's experienced proofreaders
can bring to them, in ideas, experience and differing background. I
think I will personally use DP-Europe mostly for German books, since I
do speak German but don't want to include German literature in Project
Lars Aronsson (lars(a)
Classic Nordic Literature online since 1992 -
Projekt Runeberg,
De senaste veckorna har scannern gått varm hemma hos undertecknad och
resultatet är att drygt elva tusen sidor av "Samlade skrifter av
August Strindberg" (Bonniers utgåva från 1912-1921) har fogats till
våra samlingar. En del av titlarna (bland annat Fröken Julie och Till
Damaskus) är dubbleringar av sådant som vi hade tidigare, endera som
e-text eller som faksimil av andra förlagor.
Den insatte tycker kanske att det är galet att digitalisera Bonniers
gamla "Samlade skrifter" (1912) nu när "Nationalupplagan" (1981)
finns. Det tycker egentligen jag också, men eftersom Norstedts vägrar
lägga ut Nationalupplagan gratis på nätet, så får man gå framåt där
man kan. Och även om Norstedts skulle ändra sig i morgon, så skadar
det ju inte att ha båda upplagorna sida vid sida.
Redan till påsken för två år sedan scannades band 33, som innehåller
skådespelet Påsk, och nu har band 1-32 och 34 tillkommit. Det
återstår alltså att scanna band 35-55. Några av dessa saknar vi, och
vill gärna ta emot gåvor för att täcka luckorna. Se detaljerna i
förordet på webbsidan. Adressen höll jag på att glömma. Den är
På tal om gåvor, så har vi även behov av pengar. Våra hårddiskar är
snart fulla och vi behöver också en backupserver. Tillsammans blir
det några tusenlappar och vi hoppas få lite hjälp med det.
Datorföreningen LYSATORs svenska postgiro 88 56 69-2 står öppet.
Skriv "gåva till Projekt Runeberg" i meddelandefältet, så att kassören
vet vad det rör sig om. LYSATOR är studentföreningen vid Linköpings
universitet där Projekt Runeberg har sin hemvist.
Både Strindberg och penningbehovet uppmärksammas i aprilversionen av
vår startsida,
Där syns också våra nyheter från mars, som bara är några dagar gamla.
Mycket gott och blandat i årets påskägg!
Lars Aronsson (lars(a)
Projekt Runeberg - fri nordisk litteratur -