(Niels Möller) wrote 29 Sep 2004 21:38:58 +0200:
| * I think it's good cryptographic practice to have the function that | constructs the resource string from its inputs be collision free. | I.e. there should not be two sets of input that results in the same | resource string. The simplest ways to do that is to either use | unique separator (if a suitable character exists), or add explicit | length prefixes to each component.
This kind of collision?
Sender Recip Salt e@f.g 123 a@b.c de@f.g 123
| What does the ten-chracter format look like? 6-character dates is just | too stupid for this millennium.
Nah, it's a long time until that poses a problem. ;-)
Seems like date is YYMMDD[hhmm[ss]]. How bizarre. :-(
| > Skall epost-listan hållas på engelska tycker ni? | | English makes some sense, even if at the moment you and I are the only | two subscribers.
For the record, then.
BTW, have you seen or read anything on the accompanying lists?
| One other comment: I noticed that you refer to RFC 821 in the comments | in your code. You should also look at the updated version, RFC 2821.
That's inherited from the original code. I'll change it.
I'm thinking of ditching the original code altogether and just steal the general design with subclassing of an SMTP class containing the logic of the state machine, with something that implements the actions.