some organisations use a 'corporate key' to sign stuff ;
for example 'spamassessin'. Such keys are signed by
the board, but the key signs nothing. I think that
is reasonable.
The problem is, such a 'corporate key' is not in the strong set.
How do you feel about extending WOT's to the 'reachable set' ?
-- not much bigger ; I guess some 41000 keys
-- you must extract the 'reachable set' anyway to compute
the 'strong set' (that's true, isn't it ??)
-- given the 'reachable set' it is very easy to compute
the 'strong set', should you want that.
-- a pathfinder using the 'reachable set' is much more useful,
and only a little more difficult to make.
Just an idea ; what do you think ?
Henk Penning
PS. The 'reachable set' is the 'strong set' plus all non revoked,
non expired keys reachable from the 'strong set', of course.
---------------------------------------------------------------- _
Henk P. Penning, Computer Systems Group R Uithof CGN-A232 _/ \_
Dept of Computer Science, Utrecht University T +31 30 253 4106 / \_/ \
Padualaan 14, 3584CH Utrecht, the Netherlands F +31 30 251 3791 \_/ \_/
http://www.cs.uu.nl/staff/henkp.html M penning(a)cs.uu.nl \_/
Hi list,
OK, so I thought it was time to create a mailing list about the Wotsap
.wot updates. I took the liberty to subscribe those I beleive can be
interested: Patrick, Henk and Thomas. If you know more people that may
be interested, ask them to subscribe at
http://lists.lysator.liu.se/mailman/listinfo/wotsap-updates . -users
and -dev lists are on their way too. I will get info up on the web
pages soon.
Anyway, what triggers the creation of the mailing list today is the
upgrade to .wot fileformat 0.2. The main purpose of the new file
format is to include information about signature types, and a small
change was made at the same time to make the signature list somewhat
easier to parse with low-level languages.
A specification for the new file format can be found at
If you find bugs or typos, please tell me.
Due to some test runs, the new file version was used for
2004-11-05.wot. I have now renamed that file and repointed the
latest.wot symlink to 2004-11-04.wot. The 0.2 file is however great as
an example file, and is now available at
With the specification, the example file and the mailing list you
should be able to implement support for the new file format everywhere
needed, I hope. I'd like to suggest that we keep updates in the 0.1
format up to and including 2004-11-30.wot, and let 2004-12-01.wot be
in the 0.2 format. Is this OK with everyone?
To summarize the changes:
- The signatures file is changed. It now includes a signature type in
the 4 most significant bits, and instead of lists being
they are now
4 type+INDEX type+INDEX type+INDEX type+INDEX
- A debug file is included in the .wot file.
- GnuPG instead of pksclient is now used to parse and validate the
keys. This is needed to get the signature type, but also removes
invalid keys and gives us the primary UID instead of just a random(?)
one. Because some invalid keys and signatures are removed, the size of
the web of trust will shrink on 2004-12-01.
This is meant to be a discussion list, not an announce list. Discuss :)