Hi there,

I have a Roxen specific question: we had a server breakdown and had to install Roxen on a new (virtual) server. All seemed well untill we found out we missed a lot of Roxen user accounts. In the mean time we recreated one that was absolutely neccesary, but there are more in need of a restore.

Now the question is: can I safely import the(/a) user export? Will the recreated user be safely overwritten or will there occur issues based on user ids. The recreated user is used, by ourselves, based on user name.

Thank you for your time & effort!


Met vriendelijke groet / With kind regards / Mit besten Grüßen,

Coen Schalkwijk

Software Engineer



+31 (0)35 671 8915

MSN - rtl@navelpluis.nl

Werkt niet op vrijdag