Monger supports fetching module code from git/hg/whatever, but released versions should still be uploaded for those users who don't have those tools and  want to install a  stable version of a module. 

Either way, the module should be registered at so others can find it. 

A sample module that contains all of the files required for an externally built module is available for download... look for the link at the main page. 


On Nov 23, 2016, at 8:07 AM, Pontus Östlund <> wrote:

23 nov. 2016 kl. 13:25 skrev Peter Bortas @ Pike developers forum <>:

Well, obviously you should put it in public git somewhere. :)

But the point is that pike has built in support for fetching module
packages from via pike -x monger. 

Hence my remark that it would be nice with a Github/Bitbucket/what ever public git repo version of Monger.

Pontus Östlund
Developer • Roxen AB
+46 70-662 81 69