Hi guys!

As awesome a programming language Pike is, the official Pike site does not really reflect that - to say the least ;) The site today does not exacly shout that the language it self is constantly developed and rapidly progressing. I thought I might do something about that. And so I have.

Most things are starting to come together, so in a few weeks I feel we can go live with the new site. But before that happens I would love to have your thoughts and feedback on it. At the moment I have the site on my laptop which is not accessible from outsdie, but I’ve put toghether a page with some screenshots and some explainations which you can checkout.

I have also revamped the module refdoc to better align with the new site. And since the module refdoc is 100% static HTML pages I’ve put a sample of it online on Github.

Page with screenshots and som explainations of the new site:

Module refdoc:

So feel free to comment and give feedback. Oh, and since there are some really, really, really, really, really, really old content on the site we need to clean up some old stuff that’s no longer viable. I’ve already done some of that on my local copy, but I’ll put together a list of stuff we need to look into. But lets take that later... 

Pontus Östlund
Developer • Roxen AB
+46 70-662 81 69

www.roxen.com | twitter.com/roxen