Hi Lance.
>I encountered this error on a system that had it's term type set to xterm-256color:
>$ TERM=xterm-256color pike
>Terminfo: unparsable terminfo file "/usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color"
>$ file /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color
>/usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm: Compiled terminfo entry "xterm"
>/usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color: Compiled 32-bit terminfo entry "xterm-256color"
>This occurs on every term type that says "Compiled 32-bit terminfo entry"
>I might dig through the code and see if I can make changes to let Terminfo.pmod recognize and use 32-bit terminfo files.
AFAIK I fixed this issue a month or so ago:
| commit 92fcb5564d6bf24366922b010e75d0bbeb5b0c07
| Author: Henrik Grubbström (Grubba) <
| Date: Sun Mar 11 19:46:28 2018 +0100
| Terminfo: Support Ncurses 6 format.
| Fixes support for eg xterm-256color.
The fix should be in Pike 8.0.562 and later (like eg the Pike 8.0.610
released as stable a few days ago). The Gentoo ebuilds also back-patch
this fix into older releases.