Also: After messing with the docos, I'm having trouble forcing my
browser to refresh - neither F5 nor Ctrl-F5 shows the newly-documented
module under Protocols. Using porn mode (incognito/secure
browsing/etc/etc) does work, so it's some sort of caching issue. Any
The reason is probably that the navigation is cached (per page) in a ”sessionStorage” once it’s been generated. Now, the sessionStorage you would think would run out of scope once you restart the browser but that isn’t the case :\
To solve this I grab the date when the doc was generated and if a cached navigation menu exist I check if it was created before the current doc and if so clear the cache for that page and regenerate the navigation.
I noticed though that this manouver isn’t 100% bug free at the moment.
When the doc is generated on (or more correctly; if the flag Tools.AutoDoc.FLAG_NO_DYNAMIC is set) the date and Pike version is saved in one respective JS file which the pubdate then is grabbed from. Otherwise the date and Pike version will be written to each HTML file and the pubdate and Pike version is grabbed directly from the page. If no date and version can be resolved the navigation will be cached for two days.
But as I said, this isn’t working 100% properly yet, but I am working on it and will have it fixed by the end of the weekend.
What you can do though is manually clear the sessionStorage if you have regenerated the docs. In Chrome it’s in the Developer Tools > Resources > Session Storage. In Firefox it’s under Tools > Web Developer > Storage Inspector > Session Storage.
# Pontus