Sorry sent this last message directly to Martin my apologies. So now I will send it to the whole list.

Credence Shanden <> wrote:
Does it prepend the path with the current files path? I know import does this, does include do this also? With this application I am trying to include a file that is in c:/emage/includes/kernel.h from c:/emage/lib/obj/std/login.pike. Would this make the include path c:/emage/lib/obj/std to start with?

"Martin Nilsson (saturator) @ Pike (-) developers forum" <> wrote:
There is nothing magic with #include, so I don't know what answer you
expect. If it can't read the file then it can't read the file (no
permission or couldn't find it). That's all there is to it.

/ Martin Nilsson (saturator)

Previous text:
>2004-01-06 07:35:
>Subject: #include
>Well this is my first attempt with PIKE, although I am familiar with the LPC language some things seem to be a bit different in PIKE. My problem is that I am trying to include a file but I get the error that the file could not be read. I am assuming that somehow I am typing the directory wrong. I have tried many different ways including typing out the full directory name. I have kernel.pike which is the main pike program running in the base directory and the include works there with #include "includes/kernel.h". I tried this with my login sequence file which is located at /lib/obj/std/login.pike but it says it can not find the file. And for future reference I am sure I will be sending out alot of questions. Thanks all in advance.
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