Hi Danesh!
Pike indeed has support for that, as you discovered. However, beware
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 5:34 PM, Danesh Daroui <danesh.daroui@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Thanks for your answer. I guess threads is something that I was looking for.
> By concurrency I meant being able
> to spawn multiple threads which will logically run in parallel. Moreover
> having the possibility to define mutex
> and semaphores which are apparently done in Pike (mutex is at least done)
> and also barrier and join threads, etc.
of the global interpreter lock. Pike code will never really run
concurrently (i.e. more than one thread executing Pike code at the
same time on more than one CPU/core). All concurrency you can get is
on blocking I/O operations and possibly some heavier computations
offered by the Pike "standard library".