TradeMiner accurately identifies recurring trends and market cycles that occur in the stocks, futures, and forex markets. Scanning through millions of records has never been easier, TradeMiner quickly pinpoints these cycles and helps to predict if the current year’s cycle is on track to repeat as it has in the past.
Here is how it works:
TradeMiner scans through the data to give the directional trend of a particular equity, futures contract, or currency pair. Traders of all sorts (Day, Position, & Option Traders) use this tool to identify market trends and assist in making their trading decisions.
After scanning the market for Trends and cycles, TradeMiner scores and ranks these trends and to help prioritize the most significant trading opportunities. Then TradeMiner takes it a step further and analysis the current year’s approaching trades to help determine if the cycle is set to repeat this year.
Come see how TradeMiner can help you become more profitable in your trading.