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Mechanical 2011
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$4499.00 Your Price:
$104.95 You Save:
$4394 (98%) |
Purpose-built to
accelerate the mechanical design process. Including all the functionality of
AutoCAD, the world's leading CAD software, plus comprehensive libraries of
standards-based parts and tools for automating common design tasks. |
SolidWorks 2010
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$3999.00 Your Price:
You Save:
$3899 (98%) |
This software fosters smarter design by uniting creation, validation, documentation, design management, and environmental impact analysis as a single integrated process. In each of these areas, it optimizes core capabilities on which you stake your career. |
3DS Max 2010
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$3999.00 Your Price:
You Save:
$3897 (98%) |
Full-featured 3D
modeling, animation,
rendering, and visual
effects solution used to
create top-selling games
and award-winning video content.
Renowned for its ready-to-use, template-based character rigging system, robust modeling and texturing toolsets. |
Maya 2010 x32 / x64
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$3499.00 Your Price:
You Save:
$3419 (98%) |
Maya 2010 software is the first release to unify the Autodesk Maya Complete 2009 and Autodesk Maya Unlimited 2009 feature sets, advanced match-moving capabilities, and high dynamic range compositing into a single affordable offering. |
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$3995.00 Your Price:
$97.95 You Save:
$3897 (98%) |
Design and shape the world around you with AutoCAD design and documentation software, one of the world's leading CAD programs. Speed documentation, share ideas seamlessly, explore ideas more intuitively in 3D, and customize it for your needs. |
Architecture 2010
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$4995.00 Your Price:
You Save:
$4894 (98%) |
Architecture 2010 software provides AutoCAD-based design and documentation productivity specifically for architects, to give you more tools to automate drafting tasks and help you create architectural documentation faster. |
Electrical 2010
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$5295.00 Your Price:
You Save:
$5205 (98%) |
Includes a complete set of features designed specifically for electrical controls designers. Comprehensive symbol libraries and tools for automating electrical engineering tasks helps you increase drafting productivity
+ gain a competitive edge.
Navisworks Simulate 2010
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$4590.00 Your Price:
You Save:
$4515 (98%) |
Performs precise replication of designs and accurate modeling of 4D construction schedules, improving productivity and quality
via precise pre-visualization of construction projects. Virtually experience your project before physical work begins. |
Autodesk Alias Design 2010
Download now at
AutoCAD Solutions
List Price:
$3895.00 Your Price:
You Save:
$3797 (98%)
for MAC / PC |
Create innovative consumer product models faster with Alias Design software. Part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping, Alias is for consumer product designers who own the entire process from ideation to the final surfaces passed to engineering. |
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AutoCAD Solutions
everything ends--even life, thank God!
And then I saw Lacroix again. I was sure of it now. He was peering
after me from among the rocks, and, as I turned, he was scuttling away ,into the tunnel.
I followed him. I had always mistrusted the man; more, even, than
Leroux. I felt that his furtive presence there portended something
more evil than my own fate and Jacqueline's must be. ,I followed him hotly; but he must have known every fissure in the
cliff, for he vanished before my eyes, apparently through the solid
rock, and when I reached the place of his disappearance I could find no
sign of any passage there.
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