Jag kommer om jag vaknar


2009/7/18 Tommy Persson <tpe@ida.liu.se>

Påminner om The Middleman-tittningen imorgon söndag. Notera att det är
kul att se serien från början men varje avsnitt är avslutat så det går
att droppa in när som helst (just nu har 5 personer förrutom mig sagt
de ska komma). Är ingen hemma så är det förmodligen matpaus på

 19/7: The Middleman-tittning hos Tommy Persson klockan 13. Vi ser
       från första avnsittet och så länge vi orkar. Mat på pizzeria
       eller liknande runt 17. Plats: Rydsv. 180A; 070-2821585

Vi såg första avsnittet på ett medlemsmöte. Det är avsnittet med
tentakelmonstret bakom en glasruta i början.

Jag tror jag gillar The Middleman av samma anledning som jag gillar
The Avengers men The Middleman innehåller betydligt
pop-kultur-referenser (i alla fall som man känner igen). Här är en recension
av The Middleman:


 There's an explanation why most "Men in Black" knockoffs have failed
 -- namely, because achieving that balance of comedy and sci-fi
 action is pretty damn hard. Yet ABC Family has accomplished just
 that with "The Middleman," a delightful adaptation of "Lost" scribe
 Javier Grillo-Marxuach's graphic novel that brims with clever
 pop-culture references and disarming wit. Actually, this series
 could potentially work on any number of networks, and it's almost
 too smart for the room at ABC Family; nevertheless, this sprightly
 summer arrival should fit nicely into the evolving niche the channel
 established with "Kyle XY."

 At first blush, the concept looks like just another "slacker gets a
 chance to save the universe" exercise, with twentysomething Wendy
 Watson (Natalie Morales) introduced in a dead-end temp job -- right
 before a multitentacled monster smashes through the glass and
 attacks her. Enter the Middleman (Matt Keeslar), who subsequently
 reveals that he's an "independent contractor" who works solving
 "exotic problems" -- wielding oversized weaponry and gadgets from an
 unidentified benefactor (hence his name) to dispatch threats culled
 straight out of comic books.

 Lacking much else to do, Wendy -- by day an aspiring artist with a
 doofus boyfriend -- is recruited as his new sidekick. So far, you're
 probably thinking, "So what?"

 Still, as constructed by Grillo-Marxuach and director Jeremiah
 Chechik, just about everything here crackles. In the premiere, a
 shadowy figure is murdering mob bosses, yielding "Scarface"/"The
 Godfather" jokes. When Wendy grudgingly agrees to join up -- having
 honed hitherto-unknown skills playing Xbox -- a montage quickly
 ensues modeled after the kitschy black-and-white opening titles of
 the '60s TV show "The Avengers."

 Wendy's apartment, meanwhile, is drolly identified onscreen as "the
 illegal sublet Wendy shares with another young, photogenic artist,"
 while she refers to the Middleman's organization as "the
 paramilitary version of Amway."

 The opener (shot in Vancouver, though series production shifts to
 Los Angeles) also features "24's" Mary Lynn Rajskub in a guest stint
 as the requisite mad scientist, who Middleman disparages as

 Kids and young adults probably won't get the more obscure references
 (which, in addition to the above James Bond drop-in, include "Shaft"
 and "Planet of the Apes"), but they should nevertheless find much to
 savor in the quirky tone, rat-a-tat dialogue and Beeslar's way-cool,
 clean-cut 1950s-style hero. Even Wendy's "woe is me" whining
 gradually grows on you.

 Bright and breezy, "The Middleman" manages the increasingly rare
 feat of being knowing but not snide. It's a show, frankly, for
 people who love (and have probably watched too much) TV. By that
 standard, it's far from the middle, but rather rises straight to the

/Tommy Persson

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