Money Map Press Money Map Press

Dear Reader,

There's a story developing now that may scare you

A true threat to the Fed's... actually a true threat to every central bank's... cartel-like control over your financial security has risen up.

Steve Hanke was a Senior Economic Adviser to President Reagan.

He's calling this phenomenon

"a competitive threat to all currencies."

He's right. 36 U.S. cities across 20 states have now abandoned our dollar. But that's not the only currency in danger. People are abandoning the euro, the pound, yen... you name it.

Warren Buffett has warned that we should

"fear paper money."

But it's not just paper money. In China they're actually abandoning their gold. So no money is sacred now.

The head of Google, Eric Schmidt, recently held a secret meeting in a remote cottage in the English countryside to discuss what's happening... and what's about to unfold. He revealed this story is "changing society."

Unfortunately, the mainstream media is keeping the American people in the dark about this. That's why we did our own investigation.

Now, this is controversial and it's not for everyone. But, you have to see our findings before it's too late.

Click here to continue...


Mike Ward


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