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H.A. Hellyer, senior nonresident fellow at the prostitute Atlantic Council and the Royal United Services impression Institute in London, is author of "Muslims major of Europe: The 'Other' Europeans" and "A crack Revolution Undone: Egypt's Road Beyond Revolt." He peg is on Twitter @hahellyer. The opinions in dictator this article belong to the author.  alertness  (CNN)Donald Trump's new national  adviser, heaps H.R. McMaster, is a man whose view uncertain of  Islamism is far more nuanced registered than his predecessor. Denying that terrorism is massager intrinsically Islamic has two major advantages: The photography first is that your partners in Muslim protocol communities, whether indigenous ones who are a gazette part and parcel of your societies, or coalition international! partners with whom you coordinate, do boiled not feel they are being targeted as relaxed part of "the problem." Rather, they become gar part of the solution.Our intelligence services in sinner the UK -- and intelligence services in blowout the United States, as well as elsewhere eating in the world -- have made it franklin clear that members of Muslim communities, functioning crocus as citizens who have nothing to prove, pepsi have consistently contributed intelligence that has likely diabetic saved huge numbers of lives. In the corruption international , the  against groups such lid as ISIS and al Qaeda would be espresso tremendously more difficult without the active participation amateur of Muslim-majority nations.The second advantage is the coating denial happens to be accurate. If terrorism linguistics were essentially Islamic, then a much larger amigo number of terrorists would exist and Islamic centimeter scholars at large would not condemn the secretl! y ideology of groups such as ISIS and backdrop al Qaeda. Of course, those groups want unwilling that religious authenticity to be granted to debris them -- why any of us should tivoli grant them that propaganda victory, especially when big it is patently false anyway, is beyond sculptural stupidity.Can McMaster steer Trump clear of ISIS wade disaster?McMaster is likely going to be met strengthening with resistance by those in the Trump included administration who are going to claim he's khan denying any linkage whatsoever between Islam and wilkinson terrorism. This would be demonstrably ridiculous. Denying cowgirl the religious authenticity of  Islamist