-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Fw: Instructions
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 2003 16:28:49 +0100
From: Henric Bergsåker <henricb@telia.com>
To: "Marcus Gustavsson" <mof@cd.chalmers.se>, "Niklas Norrthon" <nnorrthon@mail.ip-only.net>, "Max Hansson" <maxhansson@swirvemail.com>, "ulf"ulf@distinct.se"@mailc.telia.com, ""tob"tobbec@algonet.se"@mailc.telia.com, ""pem@pem.nu"@mailc.telia.com, <miltondad@hotmail.com>, "mar"martin.x.li@telia.com"@mailc.telia.com, ""martin.li@banverket.se"@mailc.telia.com, <hemborg@telia.com>, "tomas.boman@bredband.net"@mailc.telia.com, Lars-Göran Warodell <lars-goran.warodell@bredband.net>, "Erik Ekholm" <erik.ekholm@telia.com>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Markku Jantunen" 
Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 3:23 PM
Subject: Instructions

> Hello again,
> I forgot to you give instructions how to pre-register
> for the Nordic Championships. The list whose URL I
> gave, is on a WikiWikiWeb page. It means that ANYONE
> can edit the pages. Just click "Muokkaa tätä sivua" at
> the bottom of the page. The add your name to the table
> and press the button with the text "Talleta" on it.
> "Ruokailu" means meal. It's a three-day tournament.
> You can order a meal for each of the days separately.
> There is also a sauna at or near the venue.
> Henric, please forward my query concering the IGS to
> various clubs in Sweden. You can include the
> instructions how to pre-register as well. Of course,
> email to the organizers will do the job just as well. 
> Thank you,
> Markku
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Tomas Boman              hem:   013 - 26 12 23
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